What are the Dasa shodasa Daanas (charities) ?

There are sixteen ( dasa shodasa) charities

(daanas) for the warding off and welfare of

the families we normally do on certain riturals.

Go (Cow), Bhoo (land), Tila (gingili), Hiranya (Gold),
Ratna (Gems), Vidya (Education),
Virgin (unmarried girl))  Sakata, Aswah, Gajah,  Gruha
Langam (plough),  Mesha, Mahisha  etc., are the shodasa Daanaas.

The charities Go, Bhu, tila, Hiranya, Ajya,

Vastra,  Dhaanya, Guda, Roushya,

lavanam are the ten (dasa) daanas.

The Sages (Maharshis) and the Deities had not

 included the Annadaanam in the Shodasa or Dasa daanas.

Because of that only the Annadanam becomes

 the  superior and among all other charities,

 the Annadanam became the great.

How to be a husband as  Ayushmaan
(having life span) for the wife ?


Every woman  wishes and wants that

her husband should live as Ayushmaan

(whose husband is alive).

Because, she wants to die before as a

Sowbhagyavathi. (who wants her wife-hood)

“Nakshatrani cha sarvaani Yagnaschaiva prudhakrudhak

Aswinyamasvinaa vishtya Deerghayurjaayathe Narah ”

For that, one has to worship the Aswini Devatas

 in  the star of the Ashwini.

 Likewise, those who suffer from the illness

and who have the persecution ,

they can immediately get relieved.


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