Why did the Sages, Saints use to pay
their oblation to the Sun
at the regulated timings. ?
In the ancient time the Sages, saints
and the other ancestors had the custom
of joining palms as a mark of
devotional respect to the Deities.
The same customary practice has been
brought over to the next generations
for following the culture for ever.
For every custom. there is some kind of
reason for the welfare of the mankind and also
to all other creatures.
Not only the ancestors, Sages and others ,
also we must have to pay the respectful
greetings (Namaskaram) to the Sun God regularly.
At that time when the saltutaion is offered,
the Sun rays enters into our body and
remove the feculent ( dirty) elements.
Throughout the night, the bacteria stick to the body.
When we pay the oblation to the Sun
in the rays, naturally they will be eliminated .
More over, the Sun is known as Namaskara priyah,
one who is pleased by receiving the salutation from us
and also if the Sun is worshipped our diseases will be cured.
What are the Deva sattwa qualities of a lady ?
The lady who has the fragranted body that
spreads the sweet smell, who has the
quality of heaving a sighs, who has always the
peaceful and pleasant face and also is always
seen as dignified is known as Deva sattwa lady.
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