Why it is said to light the lamp with
gingili oil in the Kaartika maasa ?
The Kaartika maasa starts almost
in the winter season.
In that season, the time of days are less
and the nights are excessive and
also in that season it gets cold.
The heat in day time comes down.
There is variance in the health conditions.
At the time of twilight ( In the evening time ) ,
if we see the lamps which are lit with the
gingili oil and also with the Go ghrutam
(cow’s ghee) that gives the much plesantness
to the eyes and also some kind of eye diseases
and also eye doshas (delinquence) will be cured.
Some kind of respiratory problems due to
the atmosphere and the cold will be cured.
The heat in the body which is lessened
in that winter and that can be gained to
some extent and the health condition would be
good because of worshipping with the oil lamps.
In the winter, due to the oil lamp light,
some species of insects can be destroyed.
Hence, there is a lot of benefit for lighting the oil lamp.
On Deepavali day (Diwali day) where the
lighting lamps ( with ginjili oil or goghrutam)
at home should be placed ?
On Deepavali day, mainly five lighting lamps
ought to be decorated at our homes.
The first and first, the lamp should be
placed at Pooja mandir, the second lamp
at the meditaion room or place, the third lamp
should be plced at the well , the fourth lamp
at the peepul tree, and the fifth lamp
at the Tulasi plant (which Basil).
Instead of peepul tree the lamp can be
placed in front of the threshold of the main entrance.
Suppose, if the festival is not celebrated
on any other reasons, the lamps can be lit.
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