Why do we afraid of the Saturn Planet ?

The Saturn is one of the most imoirtant

 planets in the Astrology.

 It is called as Sani graham or Mandah .

 Normally we do fear of the planet since

 it gives the very bad results and

 experiences when the planet’s position

 is unfavourable in the Zodiac

as well as in the individual horoscope.

The Same planet, Saturn created a lot of

 troubles even to the Lord Maheswara

 if we go through the mythologies.

And many of the Emperors were

put into miservable  troubles

since the Saturn’s evil aspect.

Even then, The same Saturn gives the

same rate of happiness, comforts, fame,

power etc., to the nativity of the horoscope

 if the planet is situated favaourably.

More over the Saturn is pleased and satisfied

 when we do the Pooja and other ritual

warding off the evil influence or curse etc.,

Why is being Lord Siva in the form of Linga Idol?

We pray to the lord Eswara in linga roopa.

In the mythology, the Lord Parameswara

was  in the form of Linga shape. 

The Sage, Bhrugu Maharshi cursed

 the Siva to become as Linga roopa.

If we worship the Linga roopa ,

the results would be more.

There are no ceremonial purity, customs

 and religious  observances for worhsipping

the Linga roopa (shape). 

Hence, we can visit the temple of

the Lord Siva linga in any manner.

But to visit the temple of Lord Sree Mahavishnu,

the devotee should observe very

ceremonial purity etc.,

Otherwise, even if the Lord Sree Vishnu 

accepts, the Goddess Sree Mahalakshmi’s

grace will not be radiated upon us what the

mythologies say.


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