Why the currency coins are thrown in
the rivers when we cross over them ?
Unless there is Paramaardham ( ultimate goal),
the customs and traditons have not come
into force since the mankind
should get over the bondage.
Even for the materialistc custom , if we
see the inner meaning and the result
behind it, that can make us surprise and happy.
Right from the ancient time, means from our
old generation of our pedigree in the society the
customs have been brought forward for
the benefit of peace and happiness to the families.
Hereditarily our grand fathers and great grand
fathers and other ancestors used to pour the water
at night in the handy copper vessels and
drink the water next day early in the morning.
The copper is symbolic for the Prana sakti
which is vital force of life.
Scientifically it is proved that the copper
has got such a vital energy.
Hence they were look like very strong in health point of view.
In those days, the copper coins were in the circulation.
Whenever they go on piligrimage to visit shrines
or visit other places like their relatives etc,
they had to cross over the rivers, canals and so on.
While crossing over them the elders used
to pray to the Ganga maata and drop the
copper coins into the rivers , canals etc.,
and also they used to make their children
to drop the coins as that would be a customary
practise for the children and next generation.
So, the river water contains the copper coins
in it and naturally get become the life force (Prana dhara).
Then if we drink that water or take bath in the water,
automatically we can become healthy and strong.
Because of that reason and thinking of it,
our elders used to follow the customs
for the sake of welfare of the people.
These days,the coins are not like of those coins .
Now a days, these small coins are
not useful for that purpose.
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