What are the constituent parts 
(limbs and the organs)
 that the baby infant gets
inherited  from his/her parents ?

The Hindu Sacred Scripts like  Agama Sastras,

 mythologies etcs  say, because of the

 Karma phalam this human body is obtained.

“Jantunaam Nara Janma Durlabham”

 what Sri Adi Sankaracharya said.

Unless the man does the Punya Karma which is

 infinit (anantam) in the Poora Janmas

(previous births),  then only the human body

takes place which is superior to all other creatures.

 This Nara Janma is the supreme upadhi for

aboding the Moksha samrajyam which  is  Kaivalyam.

 With all his Viveka Vichakshana,  the man has to be

  in the non-duality state and come out of this wordly

 illusion and finally attains the Self Reliazation.

This human body is for the Narayana Seva what the scripts tell.

  Means the maanava seva yeva  Madhava seva.

The Jeevathma should  see all the other Athmas as Paramaathma.

The man should treat all other Athmas as like his own Jeevathama.

So,  in this materialistic world  , the man

has to act as a self less, service oriented,

sacrificing and devotional  feelings  and do his

Karma as the God has presented  this human body.

It is so easy to tell but in practice every thing is not possible.

 But  by constant rememberance  and by

 practice only the negativeness of maya can be taken away.

Mainly, foremost thing is that  the man has

to do many duties to his people at home.

Mainly first and first he has to do the service to his parents.

He should  patronage and protect his parents

 when once the man attains majority.

We  know the pregnant mother gives birth to a infant.

She takes every care of him, loves him

and sacrifice her life to him.

Like wise, the father also loves, sacrifice and

 make his son to be in a highest position in life.

What ever the comforts, luxuries, education, power,

money etc everything that has  come from his parents only.

This body consists of skin, blood, bones,

 flesh, intestines eyes, hands legs etc.,

But the Scripts say, in this body, the skin, the blood,

 the flesh, the navel, the heart, the small and large

 intenstines etc., have been received from ones own mother. 

Like wise, on the strength of  semen (suklam)

 the hair, eyes, nails, teeth, bones, the musles, the

nervous and others have been obtained from ones s own  father.

Because of that also, in the old age ( ripen age)

of their parents, every one has to become

as the  organs or constituent parts to

their parents  and lovingly and patiently one

has to do the service patiently to the parents.

What precautions should be taken
for the Pooja Mandir at house ?

Belief in God and worshipping  Him is not enough.

Many customs have been said in practice.

 Sometimes it may not  be practically possible.

But one has to  keen on practice

 and take every care about the customs.

The Pooja Mandir ( or the Daiva Mandir)

 should be arranged in the North eastern

 side (either Northr Eesaanyam or East Eeesaanyam).

Above  the Pooja Mandir , in the shelves

(or shelf)  any unnecessary things or

 broken things should not be kept.

Plz. see  the top of the Pooja mandir

should be maintained empty and suppose,

if necessary  the  weightless things are to be kept.

The dried flowers, left over flowers, 

the Kumkum, Harldi (turmeric powder) and

Akshatas must not be placed in the house.

The children and the crawling babies

should be kept away from the Pooja mandir.

In the Pooja Mandir (Daiva Mandir) and

 besides to the Pooja Mandir, any kind of  other

photos like Siddhapurushas and the photos  of the

family ancestors must not be placed and worshipped.

While doing pooja and doing  the meditation, 

then only we can have  the concentration.

Many  Idols of other  deities and photos

 must not be worshipped there.

That would be a diabolical custom.

On which Thidhis, these kinds
of food is considered to take  ?

In the Scripts it is said on each Thidhi

 like Padhyami, Vidiya, Tadiya to Poornima

or Amavasya, the different kinds of food

 is prescribed to eat but not it is considered as sin.

There are two Pakshas ( two fortnights)

each has fifteen days which they

are called Sukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha.

On the Thidhi of Padhyami

(first day of the Paksha)  we have to drink milk.

On the Vidiya thidhi , we should have to eat our food without salt.

On the Tadiya thidhi, we have to take

the cooked rice with gingili (Tilaannam).

On the Chaviti thidhi,  the food

which is made of milk should be consumed.

On the Panchami thidhi, the fruits must be eaten.

On the Shashti thidhi, we have to

 take the vegetables (only Saakamu) .

On the Saptami thidhi, we must take the  Jambu Phalam

which is black plum called Syzigium Jambalanum.

On the Ashtami thidhi, we  have to

eat the food delicacies ( house made puddings )

(the snacks and edible  preparations made ).

On the Navami thidhi, we should take

the food which is cooked on the fire.

On the Dasami thidhi, we must have to

 eat the food which is cooked with the ghee.

On the Ekadasi thidhi also, we have to

 take the food made with the ghee.

On the Dwadasi thidhi,  we take to take the Payasam

( pudding made with rice, sago or vermicilli, sugar and milk).

On the Trayodasi thidi,  one should have

 to take the Gomutram ( the cow’s urine).

On the Chaturdasi thidhi, one has to take

 the food made with one kind of grain called Yuva.

On the Purnima day, we have to drink the

 Kusodakam ( the water from the Kusa, a kind of grass).

On the Amavasya day, we should eat the Havishyannam

which is the ghee food  specially made for the Havan.

Those who take the different food on different thidhis ,

  they are deserved to receive the

Ashwamedha Yaga Phalam , Sampurna Arogyam

(complete health) and the wealth,

what the Maha Puranas say.

What is the Paramaardham 
(altruistic view) for the
 Dhwaja Sthambhah
( a pillar erected ) in the Temple ?

The Pillar is erected in the  temple ,

that too in front of the God’s idol.

According to the Sastras , the temple architecture

 the Dhwajah Sthambhah must be placed

 at some distance infront of the Garbhaalayam  

(inner most chamber of the temple where

the main images of the Deities are installed).

The rays of the Sun’s  light are

reflected at the angle of 45 degrees.

 In that direction where the rays are

reflected , there  the Dhwajha Sthmbha is erected .

The rays of the  Planet Mars from  the

Southern direction, come across 

through the temple tower (Gopuram) and

and touches  over the Dhwajah Sthambha

and reach the middle of the ground  to the Deity’s .

Therefore , in between the Deity  which is

inside chamber of the temple and the

Dhwajah Sthambha , we must stand the pray and salute Him.

Then only the power and the grace of

 the planet and the Deity will be received to us.

Who is the  lady having the Naga Satwa lakshana ?

The lady who sleeps  most of the time in a day,

 and daily who wanders hurrily and who always

does the yawning and also who is

 having the light black colour is known

as Naga Satwa lakshana lady.

What are the consequences that will
 come true  if we dream the certain dreams ?

There  is no sleep without  dream.

The dreams are  normally  formed

 in the functioning state  of the Mind.

Sometimes the dreams which we dream that  there  will

not be any meaning and interconnection with our lives.

In the dream , if we dream  that the fire is drunken ,

 it is the symbolic belief,  and  the pangs of hungry will be developed.

If we dream  the white flowers, white dress

or cloths and the white birds ,

 they indicate for the benefit in any aspect.

In the dream that  we see the heads, shoulders,

 and hands, they indicate for  the money prosperity.

Like wise, if we dream, the horse, ox,

and  the lotus flower, the elephant, it say

there will be unpredictable wealth will be received.

In our dreams if we dream that we

crossed the ocean or the river, it indicates,   

that we will be competent persons in

all our accomplishments (Kaarya Saadhakas).

If we  dream that we are in the lap of a

beautiful woman , that indicates

 the unexpected benefit of the money.

If we dream the Lotus leaves in the dreams,

 the Ashta Ishwaryas will be achieved.

After the  above auspicious  dreams,

  we have to wake up immediately

and should not again go for sleep.

And then take  shower bath  ( means head bath)

and become clean and then pray the God

and after that tell to our family members.

Hence, the consequences  for those dreams will be fulfilled.

What are the desired  loving  flowers
 for the Lord Sree Krushna ?

When we worship the God , we offer

 many sacred items and do the pooja

 with the auscipious things also.

The flowers are most auspicious items in this world.

When we do the pooja of the Sree Krishna Bhagavan,

 some special flowers (Kusumam or Pushpah)

  will be offered to Him  for pleasing also.

 We worship Him with those flowers also.

The flowers which are most desired and

 pleased to  the Bhagavan are,  the Lotus lowers,

Red Oleander (Rakta Karaveeram in Sanskrit),

the small yellow flowr of gram, the flower of

Michelia champaca (Sampangi or champaka),

the flower of Jasmin Sambal, the leaves of

Butea fondosa ( Palasa Patrani in sanskrit),  

one kind of green grass which Doorva

in sanskrit, the Basil leaves.

  Among all the flowers, the Bhagavan

 Sree Krushna loves the black lilies a lot.

 He loves more the white Lotus flowers than the red Lotus flowers.

Among all the flowers including the black lilies

and the white lotus flowers, the Lord Sree Krushna

desires  more the Basil leaves than any other.

The God, Sree Krushna loves the Saurya

Pushpa than the Basil leaves,

 its flowers and also the Sivalinga Pushpa.

When we do the pooja to the Lord  if the

 flowers which are said above are not available,

atleast we have to worship Him with the Basil (Tulasi) itself.

If the Basil (Tulasi) is also not available while

doing Pooja to the Bhagavan,  even atleast the

clay or the little soil from the trough (bed)  

 which  is made around the Basil

can bring and worship with it to the God.

 All we know, as already all the sacred scipts

 say, that the Bhakti Pushpam (the flower of devotion)

should be offered to the Lord.

That Bhakti Pushpam can not be

estimated in the amount of value  with all others.