Which kind of milk is not to be used  ?

Milk is the  nourishing and balanced  food.

 But on certain occasions it is restricted to drink.

When the she buffalo gives birth to an young one,

then the milk is not to be drunk.

When the calf is dead, then the milk

should not be drunk for the next 10 days.

Like wise, when the milk is broken off into

pieces (curdle), then that curdle milk should

 not be used for the preparation of mixing it

 with other products to make food items.

There will be chances of illhealth

and loosing of life also.

When the milk is split (broken into pieces) means

that itself is not useful item

which is considered strictly.

When does the Human Birth occur 
next after many other Births ?

The human birth is most sacred and

 considered as we got  the Grace of the God.

It is not at all easy thing for getting

the Maanava Janma (Human birth).

“ Janturjanma Sahasrebhyah Ekasminna  nushodadi,

Satatrapyathi moodhaathmaa kimbhogaanabhi dhavati”.

The Jeeva which  is Prani (living being) takes

 the birth of human being  very rarely,

 that too among the thousand births.

After attaining the human birth of   such  a

very  glorious and   greater one, still the man

 runs after the stupid worldly pleasures

(vishaya bhogas), and  experincing the

sinful results and again for attaing the other births.

Hence, having  the knowledge of  prudence

and discrimination about the life and death

and their sufferings and reach the goal of

self realization by practicing on the

path of nobility and spirituality.


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