What kind of Naivedyam is
offered to the Navagrahas. ?

The entire zodiac is circulated by the planets.

The Sun, the Moon, the Mars, the Mercury, the

Jupiter, the Venus, the Saturn, the Rahu and

 the Ketu are specially the major planets which

 rule the zodiac and cause for the the happiness

 and grief and also for the existence and

the fusion ( i.e., stithi and layam).

Without any planetary effect nothing

 is existed in this universe though the Panchabhootas

are the major elements take the place for this creation.

For understanding to certain level, it is

known on the behalf of the God, the

ruling planets have the sovereignity

  upon the entire world.

Here, we  the human beings as we are

so fortunate that we have the speech,

 the wisdom and the descretionary power. 

But, more over,  the Jeevah ( man) ,

due to the gunas, samskaras and the

 previous births’ karma phala has been

experincing both the Sukha and Dukha.

But the man is suffering  a lot and fall

into a deep sorrow because of not

knowing the Reality and the unreality

( Satya and Asatya).

As we have been in samsara, we have to

 face  equally both the Sukha and Dukhah.

 The Karma phala can not be excaped.

What ever the result is written on the forehead,

the moment itself that would be happened without fail.

As we discussed in the above, certainly

we have to experice the results of the

Puraakruta karma phalam

(previous births’s results).

 Those results would be transferred

through the planets’  effects.

With the  devotion, subordination , humility

and the chastity  that we should have to pray

 the planets when the time is not favourable to us.

Even if the time is favourable we  

should not leave out the prayer to them.

Here, regarding the planets and the naivedyam  ...

For the planet the Sun, we have to offer the 

Gudaannam (the rice cooked with the Jaggery) as naivedyam.

We have to pray with the naivedyam of Payasam

 which is prepared with ghee for the planet, Moon.

For the planet the Mars (the Kuja), we have

to offer the naivedyam which is Harishyannam

( the rice is cooked with turmeric ).

For the planet, the Mercury, we should have

 to offer the Ksheerannam ( the rice is cooked with milk).

For the planet, the Jupiter, we have

to offer the naivedyam as curd.

We should have to worship  the planet , Venus

 with the naivedyam  which is known as

Ghrutaannam (the rice is cooked with the ghee).

For the planet, the Saturn, we have to offer

 the naivedyam of the rice cooked with the

black gram and the gingili powder (the  flour of gingili).

For the planet, the Rahu, that we have

 to offer the naivedyam of  a kind of spicied annam

which is prepared with horsegram.

We have to worship the planet , the Kethu,

by offering the naivedyam of Chitrannam

(the rice is cooked with the turmeric, and other spicies),

 Plum jujube ( Badari in sanskrit) and the seeds of the Lotus.

 All kinds of sufferings and grief will be removed 

of those  the persons who worship  the planets

 with the above naivedyam , but also the

other persons who made the naivedyam ,

they will also be blessed by the Planets

 and  will have the Grace from them

what the Bhavishyat Puranam says.


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