How to pay the salutation (namaskaram)
 to the Idols of the Deities ?

In the Temples, mainly in the Garbhaalayam

 (which is innermost  chamber of the temples

 where main idols of deities are installed )

 the Priests worship the God

 by standing right side to the  Idol.

 All kind of Poojas are performed like wise.

If we stand left side from the Garbhaalayam

 and do the Namaskaram ( perform the devotional

 gesture with joined palms),   then at that

moment we can see the inside God very clearly.

While doing the namaskaram ( offer salutation

 devotionally with joined hands)  one has to put

 their joined hands to the left side of the heart

 just a little away from the heart of the centre.

It means as we salute devotionally to the Lord .

To remove the Graha Doshas
( the  bad effects ofthe palents ) 
with which food the Cows are fed ?

No man can be seen without having any

 negative effect of planets in their lives.

Though it is believed or not every person is

 afflicted by the planetary positions  

as per the Graha sancharam (transition

of the planets) in the zodiac.

In the sastras  for that doshas the remedies are given.

 The Go ( the cow) is most sacred and highly

worshipped in respect of all

the Deities in our customs.

If the cow is worshipped we feel and believe

our negative effects can be removed.

On Saturdays or Sundays the Cow mother

(gomaata) can be fed with  fresh Plantain fruits

 or  fresh leafy vegetable (which is called

Amaranthus olraceus in english and

 Vanavaasthukaah and also Himmochikaa

 in sanskrit language).

The left over food should be given to the cows.

 The food which is specially prepared to

the cows must be given as food to them.

For any kind Graha doshas , on those particular

  days (sun, mon, tue etc)  for the respective

planets (like Sun, Moon Mars, Mercury, etc)

only  with the fresh and bland food and also

fruits and leaft vegetables  are fed to the cows.

 For the welfare of the entire family,

most of the devotees follow  this custom.


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