What do we  have to compulsorily
repay our  debts in this mundane life. ?

The man borns with three debts (Runa trayam)

 and we are indebted to repay those debts .

 But with the perfect thoughts ,  with

virtuous and  house hold comforts and

happiness as we have attained  the

Maanava Janma ( born as human being), for that

 we have to   repay them.

Those debts are Deva Runam,

Rushi Runam and Pitru Runam.

The first one is  Deva runam.

By doing the Yagnas and Yagas that

Deva runam can be repaid.

As doing the Yagna and Yagas

for Devatas, all the bacteria and

other infection will be destroyed.

The nextone is Pitrrunam.

 The mother, who carries  nine

 months  and gives   birth to us and

 brings up with love and sacrifization

is a deity on this earth.

Like wise the father who is a mentor

for this life who gives us the education,

 professional life and also responsible

 for all our happiness and comforts.

So both the mother and father are our  Deities.

When they become old, we should have

to take care of them like a eyelid to the eyes.

We must give every comfort and joyness

to them in their oldness. 

Hence we have to  repay our debt like this.

The next one Rushi Runam.

 Our ancestors were  the Sages ,

and they were the pioneers to us

 to attain the self reliazation. 

Not only that, they guided us  to

 lead the human life as

virtuously and spiritually.

They showed the  path of ascetic  life

for eternity in  this mundane world .

So we should have to repay  our debt to them.

The Acharya runam which we have to repay

 to our teachers (Gurus)  who teach us with

education (Vidya), discipline, virtues etc.,

means all the knowledge, culture, good manners,

 discipline etc ., so they are to be treated as deities.

 By serving them with obedience ,

money  etc. that we can repay that runam. 

Hence every human being should

 repay their debt in this  way.


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