How to get rid of one year age 
for every month ?

The Ayurveda Sastra is the most ancient

 medical science which was naturally and

scientifically proved and handed over to the

 mankind  by the Sage, Charaka who

 was a father of the science.

 The Aswini Deities are the  ruling

 deities for the  health science.

The meaning of Ayurveda,  which itself

says the knowledge of longvity (Jnana of Ayuh).

 The Earth is the first mother which  bestows

us for our lives  with its natural resources.

The entire universe is depended upon the

Earth for its survival,  as there is no doubt if we study.

What ever the other  medical sciences are

developed to higher levels, the Ayurveda Sastra

has got its fabulous and surprising   naturopathic

 science that  gives the root cause for every

aspect of different sections like diseases,

hearbal treatment, what kind of food  is to

be taken including other elements

(panchbhootas) like water, air etc.,

The  good  food and water are the

main sources to keep up our body

 healthy live up hundred years.

The good conduct and character and

 disciplined life is also another thing to

 maintain  health and peace forour body and mind.

The fruits are one of the most naturopathic

food which has been  given by the mother earth.

If we want to live younger than our age. 

We have to only eat the fruits in a day.

Means we should have to eat f

ruits three times a day.

If we practice and do determnly like three

days  in a month (  we should take fruits only

 for three days in a month),  all the impurites

(intoxication) in the body will be removed .

If  any impossible and incapable thing is taken

up on our shoulders to fulfil in life,

 then we should better go for eating fruits

 only and see the wonderful result

which  we can achieve,   what the

Charaka Mahamuni (great Sage) said. 

The fruits has got such a amazing

food for one and all.

The fruits are the food for the Deities

what the Ayurveda says.

 So if we cat fruits, certainly we can become

young in looking and energetic wise also.


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