What are the Dasa shodasa Daanas (charities) ?

There are sixteen ( dasa shodasa) charities

(daanas) for the warding off and welfare of

the families we normally do on certain riturals.

Go (Cow), Bhoo (land), Tila (gingili), Hiranya (Gold),
Ratna (Gems), Vidya (Education),
Virgin (unmarried girl))  Sakata, Aswah, Gajah,  Gruha
Langam (plough),  Mesha, Mahisha  etc., are the shodasa Daanaas.

The charities Go, Bhu, tila, Hiranya, Ajya,

Vastra,  Dhaanya, Guda, Roushya,

lavanam are the ten (dasa) daanas.

The Sages (Maharshis) and the Deities had not

 included the Annadaanam in the Shodasa or Dasa daanas.

Because of that only the Annadanam becomes

 the  superior and among all other charities,

 the Annadanam became the great.

How to be a husband as  Ayushmaan
(having life span) for the wife ?


Every woman  wishes and wants that

her husband should live as Ayushmaan

(whose husband is alive).

Because, she wants to die before as a

Sowbhagyavathi. (who wants her wife-hood)

“Nakshatrani cha sarvaani Yagnaschaiva prudhakrudhak

Aswinyamasvinaa vishtya Deerghayurjaayathe Narah ”

For that, one has to worship the Aswini Devatas

 in  the star of the Ashwini.

 Likewise, those who suffer from the illness

and who have the persecution ,

they can immediately get relieved.

Why do we afraid of the Saturn Planet ?

The Saturn is one of the most imoirtant

 planets in the Astrology.

 It is called as Sani graham or Mandah .

 Normally we do fear of the planet since

 it gives the very bad results and

 experiences when the planet’s position

 is unfavourable in the Zodiac

as well as in the individual horoscope.

The Same planet, Saturn created a lot of

 troubles even to the Lord Maheswara

 if we go through the mythologies.

And many of the Emperors were

put into miservable  troubles

since the Saturn’s evil aspect.

Even then, The same Saturn gives the

same rate of happiness, comforts, fame,

power etc., to the nativity of the horoscope

 if the planet is situated favaourably.

More over the Saturn is pleased and satisfied

 when we do the Pooja and other ritual

warding off the evil influence or curse etc.,

Why is being Lord Siva in the form of Linga Idol?

We pray to the lord Eswara in linga roopa.

In the mythology, the Lord Parameswara

was  in the form of Linga shape. 

The Sage, Bhrugu Maharshi cursed

 the Siva to become as Linga roopa.

If we worship the Linga roopa ,

the results would be more.

There are no ceremonial purity, customs

 and religious  observances for worhsipping

the Linga roopa (shape). 

Hence, we can visit the temple of

the Lord Siva linga in any manner.

But to visit the temple of Lord Sree Mahavishnu,

the devotee should observe very

ceremonial purity etc.,

Otherwise, even if the Lord Sree Vishnu 

accepts, the Goddess Sree Mahalakshmi’s

grace will not be radiated upon us what the

mythologies say.

Which kind of milk is not to be used  ?

Milk is the  nourishing and balanced  food.

 But on certain occasions it is restricted to drink.

When the she buffalo gives birth to an young one,

then the milk is not to be drunk.

When the calf is dead, then the milk

should not be drunk for the next 10 days.

Like wise, when the milk is broken off into

pieces (curdle), then that curdle milk should

 not be used for the preparation of mixing it

 with other products to make food items.

There will be chances of illhealth

and loosing of life also.

When the milk is split (broken into pieces) means

that itself is not useful item

which is considered strictly.

When does the Human Birth occur 
next after many other Births ?

The human birth is most sacred and

 considered as we got  the Grace of the God.

It is not at all easy thing for getting

the Maanava Janma (Human birth).

“ Janturjanma Sahasrebhyah Ekasminna  nushodadi,

Satatrapyathi moodhaathmaa kimbhogaanabhi dhavati”.

The Jeeva which  is Prani (living being) takes

 the birth of human being  very rarely,

 that too among the thousand births.

After attaining the human birth of   such  a

very  glorious and   greater one, still the man

 runs after the stupid worldly pleasures

(vishaya bhogas), and  experincing the

sinful results and again for attaing the other births.

Hence, having  the knowledge of  prudence

and discrimination about the life and death

and their sufferings and reach the goal of

self realization by practicing on the

path of nobility and spirituality.

What is the prominence and
excellence of the number 108 ?

In general the  total digit nine (9)

has got some power in numerology. 

In the Hinduism, the number 108

 has got an excellence significance

which is related to the day to day life.

The human life is connected with

both the spirituality and materialistic. 

Suppose, if we enquire into  the number 108,

we can find that in many occasions

 in the Sacred Scriptures.

The Upanishads are 108.

When we pray God with His Naamam ,

that Ashtottara Sata Naamavali is 108.

In the Japa Maala (rosary) the beads are 108.

The distance between the Earth and

the Moon is 108 times longer than

 the diameter of the Moon.

The Ayurveda Sastram says,  that

there are 108 vital points in the human body.

In the Sree Chakra Yantram there

  are 54  female and 54 male integral parts.

In the Deva Bhasha (sanskrit) there are 108 letters.

including all the significances and 

In the Natya Sastram of Bharata

(Bharata muni’s Naatya sastram)

 there are 108  main dancing

postures (Naatya Bhangimas).

The circumambulation in the temples

or any other holy places ,

the number is 108. Means,

108 times the cicumambulations are  done.

If the Hanuman Chalisa is enchanted

 for 108 times, the results are favourable

and the desires will be fulfilled

by the Grace of Hanuman.

The  number 108  has got such a

 superior power and if the Gayatri Maha Mantram

 is enchanted  for 108 times the consequence

 which is equal to worshiping  all the Sastras. 

Hence, the number 108 is having

such a spiritual and sacred power.

What kind of Naivedyam is
offered to the Navagrahas. ?

The entire zodiac is circulated by the planets.

The Sun, the Moon, the Mars, the Mercury, the

Jupiter, the Venus, the Saturn, the Rahu and

 the Ketu are specially the major planets which

 rule the zodiac and cause for the the happiness

 and grief and also for the existence and

the fusion ( i.e., stithi and layam).

Without any planetary effect nothing

 is existed in this universe though the Panchabhootas

are the major elements take the place for this creation.

For understanding to certain level, it is

known on the behalf of the God, the

ruling planets have the sovereignity

  upon the entire world.

Here, we  the human beings as we are

so fortunate that we have the speech,

 the wisdom and the descretionary power. 

But, more over,  the Jeevah ( man) ,

due to the gunas, samskaras and the

 previous births’ karma phala has been

experincing both the Sukha and Dukha.

But the man is suffering  a lot and fall

into a deep sorrow because of not

knowing the Reality and the unreality

( Satya and Asatya).

As we have been in samsara, we have to

 face  equally both the Sukha and Dukhah.

 The Karma phala can not be excaped.

What ever the result is written on the forehead,

the moment itself that would be happened without fail.

As we discussed in the above, certainly

we have to experice the results of the

Puraakruta karma phalam

(previous births’s results).

 Those results would be transferred

through the planets’  effects.

With the  devotion, subordination , humility

and the chastity  that we should have to pray

 the planets when the time is not favourable to us.

Even if the time is favourable we  

should not leave out the prayer to them.

Here, regarding the planets and the naivedyam  ...

For the planet the Sun, we have to offer the 

Gudaannam (the rice cooked with the Jaggery) as naivedyam.

We have to pray with the naivedyam of Payasam

 which is prepared with ghee for the planet, Moon.

For the planet the Mars (the Kuja), we have

to offer the naivedyam which is Harishyannam

( the rice is cooked with turmeric ).

For the planet, the Mercury, we should have

 to offer the Ksheerannam ( the rice is cooked with milk).

For the planet, the Jupiter, we have

to offer the naivedyam as curd.

We should have to worship  the planet , Venus

 with the naivedyam  which is known as

Ghrutaannam (the rice is cooked with the ghee).

For the planet, the Saturn, we have to offer

 the naivedyam of the rice cooked with the

black gram and the gingili powder (the  flour of gingili).

For the planet, the Rahu, that we have

 to offer the naivedyam of  a kind of spicied annam

which is prepared with horsegram.

We have to worship the planet , the Kethu,

by offering the naivedyam of Chitrannam

(the rice is cooked with the turmeric, and other spicies),

 Plum jujube ( Badari in sanskrit) and the seeds of the Lotus.

 All kinds of sufferings and grief will be removed 

of those  the persons who worship  the planets

 with the above naivedyam , but also the

other persons who made the naivedyam ,

they will also be blessed by the Planets

 and  will have the Grace from them

what the Bhavishyat Puranam says.

Is the  Ayurvedam, Upavedam to
the Adharvana Vedam ?

Upa means nearer or close to something.

The most ancient medical science,

 the Ayurveda is also one of the

branches to the Vedam.

The Veda means the utmost knowledge.

To obtain the Nector (Amrutam) from

the Ksheerasagaram ( the ocean of milk),

the ksheerasagara madhanam was done

by the Suras and Asuras ( Deities and the Demons)

 which was advised by the Lord Sreemannaarauama.

  Hence the ksheerasagara

 madhanam was started.

At that time before generating the Nector,

 so many celestial things were produced from it.

At the same time, the Deity  Dhanwantari ,

 who came out from the Ksheerasaagaram

and handed over a celestial medicine

(Divya Oushadham,  which does not

 give the birth and death )to the Devataas.

The Deity Dhanwantari gave that

Panchama vedam which is called as

Ayurvedam  to the God, Sree Brahma.

Afterwards, the same Ayurvedam was

 transferred to Daksha Prajapati from

the Lord Sree Brahma and again it 

 was transferred from the Daksha Prajapati 

to the Deity Aswini’s sons.

They are known as Aswini Devatas.

After that, the Sage, Bharadwaja

( Sree Bharadwaja Maharshi) studied

the Ayurveda Sastram in the Devalokam

and  had taught  the secrets of that

Ayurveda Sastramto the Atreya Maharshi.

In the same guidance of Sree Bharadwaja Maharshi ,

 the deity Agnivesah learned the Ayurvedam

and he ( the Agnivesa)  wrote the

Ayurveda Grandham  in detal.

The gretest grandhas had been  come

 from the Ayurveda Sastram.

Such a divine knowledgeable grandham

which is Ayurvedam is the branch of the

 Veda that is also known as Upavedam.

But, it is also  known the Ayurvedam was the

 branch of Krushna Yajurvedam.

What do we  have to compulsorily
repay our  debts in this mundane life. ?

The man borns with three debts (Runa trayam)

 and we are indebted to repay those debts .

 But with the perfect thoughts ,  with

virtuous and  house hold comforts and

happiness as we have attained  the

Maanava Janma ( born as human being), for that

 we have to   repay them.

Those debts are Deva Runam,

Rushi Runam and Pitru Runam.

The first one is  Deva runam.

By doing the Yagnas and Yagas that

Deva runam can be repaid.

As doing the Yagna and Yagas

for Devatas, all the bacteria and

other infection will be destroyed.

The nextone is Pitrrunam.

 The mother, who carries  nine

 months  and gives   birth to us and

 brings up with love and sacrifization

is a deity on this earth.

Like wise the father who is a mentor

for this life who gives us the education,

 professional life and also responsible

 for all our happiness and comforts.

So both the mother and father are our  Deities.

When they become old, we should have

to take care of them like a eyelid to the eyes.

We must give every comfort and joyness

to them in their oldness. 

Hence we have to  repay our debt like this.

The next one Rushi Runam.

 Our ancestors were  the Sages ,

and they were the pioneers to us

 to attain the self reliazation. 

Not only that, they guided us  to

 lead the human life as

virtuously and spiritually.

They showed the  path of ascetic  life

for eternity in  this mundane world .

So we should have to repay  our debt to them.

The Acharya runam which we have to repay

 to our teachers (Gurus)  who teach us with

education (Vidya), discipline, virtues etc.,

means all the knowledge, culture, good manners,

 discipline etc ., so they are to be treated as deities.

 By serving them with obedience ,

money  etc. that we can repay that runam. 

Hence every human being should

 repay their debt in this  way.