What did the Ayurveda and 
the Dharma Sastras tell for us ?

For the welfare of the society, and the country

 our Sastras preach us  so many code of rules,

morals and bounden duties  to do.

 Let us remind some of those  things now ...

If we are honoured with a Garland

 on account of our good  achievement,

the Garland which is worn

 should not be taken out immediately.

Before eating any food,  it must not be smelt.

If it is done like that, the bacteria

 from the nose spreads into the food

 and the food gets  inefected.

On the Chaturdasi day (the fourteenth day after full moon day

 and also Amavasya day) one should not

 go  to the barbar shop for hair cutting.

On the Amavasya day one should not go to the lady.

It is said that one  should not sleep  in the day time

 in the shadow of Wood Apple tree (also called Teronia elephantum)

and at night in the shadow of Peepul tree (Aswatha Tree).

If any debt means any amount that is  borrowed

from others and that loan amount  is discharged on tuesday,

 that  can not be borrowed again the loan.

Every day, allot  for certain time which is most convenient

 and observe silence  (keep silent) for some time.

In the bed room at night the lights should  be

switched off by the wife not by the husband.


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