Why do the Kaartika Snanam for ?

According to the Hindu Almanac the Kaartika Maasa comes

next to Asweeyuja Maasa, which  immediate to Deepavali.

Every day and every time is for worshipping God

 is the real Philosophy of Hinduism.

 Although all the days , all the festivals and all the Maasas

 are sacred, some of the maasas are said more holier

 for diverting our worldly mind towards the God.

kaartika Maasa is one which is sacred, all the people do the

early bathing in rivers, ocean, and do the worship of Almighty

 and do the fasting and take food at night.

In this Kaartika maasa, if we take the bath early

in the morning (before sun rise), it is belief that one

can get the longvity and health (Ayuhraarogyas).

When we take bath in the river, if we dip in the water

 upto the neck and take bath , then the stomach dieases will be cured.

There is one pariciple for health in the Kaartika maasa Snanam. 

The rainy water in the rainy season go into the earth, and

 seep there, and get formed a very strong magnetic zone on the earth.

So after rainy season, the water in the rivers  in the

Kaartika maasa do have the more magnetic force.

 Bathing in that water is alwasy good for health.

 More over this Maasa is auspicious for the Lords

Hari and Harah. Hence it is said we have to take

bath in the rivers and oceans in that Maasa.

In this Month, the bath in the ocean and the

Deeparadhana is more sacred. Life is for

 attaining the eternity.

When the worshipping with the lighting lamp,

all the creatures  beget the Janmarahityam
( do not have any rebirth).


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