Why should not we dig the
land (Bhoomih) on Tuesdays ?

There is an inter relativity between  the Planets, time  and the days. 

The planet Mars (Kujah) is the son of the mother Earth.

Tuesday which is Mangalavaram is the symbolic for the Mars.

Means mars is the lord of Tuesday. 

If the mother earth is scooped out (perforated),

why should  the son Mars keeps quite ?

 Naturally he turns against the others

who torments or treats cruelly to the mother.

More over the Planet Mars has got impetous

 valour and entity of fire.

How much the discipline and law and order,

 the Mars has got simultaneously more than

he is a  rigid disciplinarian.

Scooping the  land (earth)  means,

 it  is for getting water.

If the land or earth is dug on Tuesdays,

because of the entity of fireness of Mars,

 it happens the wanter can not be

occured or obtained in the earth.

Hence for the purpose of water or constructing  a

building etc must not he done on Tuesdays.


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