In the Rohini Kartari of the Summer
do the Mortars get broken ?

If we study the Hindu Almanac (Panchangam),

we can see so many unknown things which are related

 to the Astronomical effects based on the Planets and

 their effects on this earth for all the Chara and Achara.

The Panchangam tells what to do and what not do

 the things which we plan for our lives.

Rohini Kartari means, when the Planet Sun enters the

constellation of Rohini, the Kartari starts and when that Sun

changes its position to the star of Mrigaseersha, then the Kartari ends.

Mostly this changes happen in the month of May every

 year and mostly at the end of that month.

That Kartari takes place  for  fifteen days.

In the Month of May, the summer effect

is normally  severe like sultriness, unbearable heat etc

 can be experienced by every one.

The Sun enters in  the middle zone of the sky. 

The Sun would be impetuous valour ,

so heat waves naturally happen.

The heat would be burn fiercely.

With all the summer effects of the Sun,

the moisture  in the earth get totally dried. 

In genetral in the nature,even in the stones

also have  some quantity of wetness.

When the percentage of dampness is dried,

 in the Rohini Kartari the Mortars get broken

due to the severe heat effect.


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