What is the Trimadhura Prasadam?

We know the Prasadam means, foood offered

to a deity and distributed among the devotees.

And also it is  a grace of God.

For   worshipping , we normally do offer

the prasadam to get the grace from the Lord.

The Coconut, the Banana Fruit and jaggery

all these three are called Trimadhuram.

As per the Ayurvedic science this Prasadam

 does the benefit to the health.

It works on Alcer diseases as Amrutam (Nector) and cures it.

Because of that, our ancestors broght this

 into customs and connected with Spirituality.

What are the things that decrease 
(reduce) the Longevity ?

Our ancestors were  so leanred by their

  experience and  through the genealogy

and also from the well learned scholar

s of their period who followed and

observed the customs thoroughly and got benefited .

Here, what they say, certain things about our longvity.

We should not warm our body in the morning sunlight.

The smoke in the cremation ground must not be inhalated (taken in).

One should not join with elderly woman for the carnal enjoyment.

One should  not drink the water which is boiled with the leaves.

We must not  eat curd rice at nights.

If do against the above said principles,

 those  things certainly decrease the age.


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