Why the marriages are not performed
in the Dhanurmasa (Pushya maasa) ?

Mostly the Dhanurmasa comes in the month of

December which is in Hemanta Ruthu.

We know the planets circulates and travels

in their orbits in the space.

 As per Hindu Almanac system,

 which we hear every day the Gochara or Graha chara.

The month (maasa) forms when the Sun enters  the

each  Sign of the  Zodiac.

In the Zodiac there are twelve signs starting from Aries.

When the Sun takes place the sign of Sagittarus (Dhanurrasi)

 and travels to the house of Capricorn

(Makara rasi) is called the Dhanurmaasa.

The Signs of Pisces  (Meena ) and Dhanus (Sagittarus)

are related to the planet Jupiter (Guru).

The Guru is the lord of those signs.

When the Ravi (Sun) takes place  in those signs and

the Jupiter in the Leo which is meant for

Ravi Rasi, any auspicious formalities and

the  functions can not be performed as per Muhurtha Sastra.

But the festivals come in those days.

Then we feel as if it is auscpicious time for

celebrating festivals grandly and live happily and peacefully .

 This is the traditional formality is given

 to us since the ancient time.

Ever since, we have been following the same customs by devotionally.

In this Dhanurmasa, mainly we do  worship

the Surya Deva and follow the custom of

Suryopasana which is for the benefit of

our good health and also for the eyes.

More over we do worship the Lord Sri Narayana daily in this month.

And worship the  Goddess Godadevi and perform her marriage

with the lord Sree Krishna.


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