which time the Heera Vaayuvu
 (the air of Heera) ventilates ?

The Brahmee Muhurta Kaala (time)  is the

 most auspicious time , in this time every  has to

 get up and do the Japa, Meditation and

Upasana etc., that gives the Best  spiritual results.

In the Brahmee Muhurta , means two and

 a half  hours before the Sun rise, i.e., 3.45 to 4.00 am ,

the air comes from the nature (which ventilate)

  is like a Nector (Amrutam).

That was is called as Heera Vayuvu by the Sages (Rishis).

In the Brahmee muhurta time one who gets up,

 his intellectuality lits up (blossoms).

 The Longvity gets increased.

And whatever the accomplishment is taken up

that would be completed successfully.

Who is the most accused person 
( one who is censured) ?

The  man  who does not perform the marriage

 for his children in the right time.

The person who does not do the copulation

with the wife duration of a season (Rutukaalam).

The person who does not take care about the

welfare of  his parents and that too in their oldage.

He is the accused person in his life.

What did the Ayurveda and 
the Dharma Sastras tell for us ?

For the welfare of the society, and the country

 our Sastras preach us  so many code of rules,

morals and bounden duties  to do.

 Let us remind some of those  things now ...

If we are honoured with a Garland

 on account of our good  achievement,

the Garland which is worn

 should not be taken out immediately.

Before eating any food,  it must not be smelt.

If it is done like that, the bacteria

 from the nose spreads into the food

 and the food gets  inefected.

On the Chaturdasi day (the fourteenth day after full moon day

 and also Amavasya day) one should not

 go  to the barbar shop for hair cutting.

On the Amavasya day one should not go to the lady.

It is said that one  should not sleep  in the day time

 in the shadow of Wood Apple tree (also called Teronia elephantum)

and at night in the shadow of Peepul tree (Aswatha Tree).

If any debt means any amount that is  borrowed

from others and that loan amount  is discharged on tuesday,

 that  can not be borrowed again the loan.

Every day, allot  for certain time which is most convenient

 and observe silence  (keep silent) for some time.

In the bed room at night the lights should  be

switched off by the wife not by the husband.

One which days the Abhyngana Snanam
 ((head oil bath) should not be taken ?

For every custom , the reason is given whether to do or not .

For the Abhyanganasnanam (taking head oil bath) ,

it is restricted to take on particular days.

On Sundays, Tuesdays, and on the Tidhis like,

Padhyami, Chaviti, Shashti, Ashtami, Navami, Chaturdasi and

also on the days of Sraaddhas
(ceremony performed in honour of departed souls),

the Suka Maharshi  said not to take the Abhynganasnanam.

Suppose, in case if any one who takes

 head oil bath on those days,

  as per the Astrological planetary effects

any negative incidents may occur.

What is the meaning for
blowing a Conch (Sankhaaravam) ?

The blowing of a Conch (Sankhanadam)

is done only at the time of auspicious occasions,

 worshipping the deity, and other Divine services.

In the Temples when the Aarati is given

to the Lord (after doing archana and other sacred rituals),

the Sankharaavam is made. 

Even at the house, in the Poojamandir

when the archana is over, the blowing of Conch

is made  which we also know.

 It is the symbolic for eliminating the

evil forces (Dushta Saktis) from the house

and also its sorrounding space.

If we listen the Puranas and sacred scripts

  so attentively with purity of mind,

 what ever the amount of graceful  result we receive 

that is equivalent to once if we blow the conch at that time.

Such a great and auspicious effect the Sankhaaravam has got.

Why the daughter and the daughter – in-law
should not be sent  on particular weeks ?

The customs are being followed with  beliefs

 even for a family function,  in our day to day life.  

Even for  a small thing we refer to the

Panchangam or discuss with learned persons

or with elders to accomplish that custom.

The lives are interrelated with the

culture and customs.

In every family the daughter of that family

is treated as Sri Lakshmi Devi.

Once the marriage is over, that daugher

 will not be sent to her in-law’s house on Friday.

Because, the Friday is the symbolic for Sree Mahalakshmi.

 Every one thinks and feels the auspicious deity,

 Sree Lakshmi should not leave the house on that Friday.

 In case of daughter-in-law, in her in-law’s house

the elders (in-laws and others) will not send

 their daughter-in-law to her parental house

 (home of the parents of a married woman ) on Saturday.

The Saturday is treated as auspicious for

 doing the  Sacrificial Hawan , 

  Worshipof  a deity and other religious rituals.

Naturally a girl who enters into her  in-law’s house

 after marriage, as a daughter-in-law,

she will have a domestical responsibility as a Gruhini.

For the Divini services at home, on Fridays and Saturdays,

the daughter and daughter-in-law are not to their respective houses.

Who should not eat their food in the bronz vessels ?

In olden days in some of the places, the people

used to take their food in the bell-metal plates.

 Even today also in some areas some people

 eat their food on  bronz vessels.

So the  bronz plates and vessels are

mostly used in olden days only.

But these bronz vessels and plates are  restricted

for the Saints, Sages, Mathadhipatis, Peethadhipatis.

The Religious canvassers and those who  took

Deeksha to follow  the Religious rituals with determination.

These  divine and spiritual people must

 away from eating their food in that vessels.

By nature, the bronz metal consists of  heaviness

 and also helps to increase the body strength. 

Because of that,  naturally   the mundane desires

can be brought   up in them.

Hence it is totally restricted the bronz.

What is the Trimadhura Prasadam?

We know the Prasadam means, foood offered

to a deity and distributed among the devotees.

And also it is  a grace of God.

For   worshipping , we normally do offer

the prasadam to get the grace from the Lord.

The Coconut, the Banana Fruit and jaggery

all these three are called Trimadhuram.

As per the Ayurvedic science this Prasadam

 does the benefit to the health.

It works on Alcer diseases as Amrutam (Nector) and cures it.

Because of that, our ancestors broght this

 into customs and connected with Spirituality.

What are the things that decrease 
(reduce) the Longevity ?

Our ancestors were  so leanred by their

  experience and  through the genealogy

and also from the well learned scholar

s of their period who followed and

observed the customs thoroughly and got benefited .

Here, what they say, certain things about our longvity.

We should not warm our body in the morning sunlight.

The smoke in the cremation ground must not be inhalated (taken in).

One should not join with elderly woman for the carnal enjoyment.

One should  not drink the water which is boiled with the leaves.

We must not  eat curd rice at nights.

If do against the above said principles,

 those  things certainly decrease the age.

Why do we  have to take bath in the ocean which is
Sethu Snanam for begetting the children (progeny) ?

The Hindus are having so many customs to follow

with their great  beliefs and do the rituals

 as Sacred scripts said.

Those who the couple do not have the children,

for the progeny , they take the bath (dip)

in the ocean in Rameswaram near the

Sethu (Varadhi or bridge).

In Rameswaram where Lord Sree Ramachandra

constructed a Sethu ((near  Dhanushkoti)

in Tretayuga for gaining the Victory on Ravanasura.

 Before the War, Sree Ramachandra made a

Saikatha Linga (making the Sivalingam with Sand)

and worshipped the Lord Maheswara

for the Victory what the Scripts also  say.

The atheism say most of the people

have superstitions   and they follow blindly. 

But that opinion should not be considered.

The beliefs are so strong which are being

 observed since the ancient time and

the results are obtained so positively.

The Ekagrachitta is powerful if any one have a

 strong  belief with purity of heart

that causes for the best  results.

For the children, if one does the

 Sethu Snanam , there is a scientific reason.

There, in the water, metallic and some minerals

like Gold, Silver, Mercury , Aluminium etc are available.

That too, in more percentage.

If the bath is taken in that water of ocean

near the sethu of Rameswara, those minerals

and metallic particle things go into the skin

(through the cells), there is  so possibility

 to  become pregancy and beget the children .

Even the Medical Science also say this.

Without any clarification, without any enquiry,

any thing should not be dismissed ( or striken off).

Beliefs rely on the Sacred Scripts , Sacred words

 from the Holy people and well learned scholars

 since ancient time which it has been observing.

Why the marriages are not performed
in the Dhanurmasa (Pushya maasa) ?

Mostly the Dhanurmasa comes in the month of

December which is in Hemanta Ruthu.

We know the planets circulates and travels

in their orbits in the space.

 As per Hindu Almanac system,

 which we hear every day the Gochara or Graha chara.

The month (maasa) forms when the Sun enters  the

each  Sign of the  Zodiac.

In the Zodiac there are twelve signs starting from Aries.

When the Sun takes place the sign of Sagittarus (Dhanurrasi)

 and travels to the house of Capricorn

(Makara rasi) is called the Dhanurmaasa.

The Signs of Pisces  (Meena ) and Dhanus (Sagittarus)

are related to the planet Jupiter (Guru).

The Guru is the lord of those signs.

When the Ravi (Sun) takes place  in those signs and

the Jupiter in the Leo which is meant for

Ravi Rasi, any auspicious formalities and

the  functions can not be performed as per Muhurtha Sastra.

But the festivals come in those days.

Then we feel as if it is auscpicious time for

celebrating festivals grandly and live happily and peacefully .

 This is the traditional formality is given

 to us since the ancient time.

Ever since, we have been following the same customs by devotionally.

In this Dhanurmasa, mainly we do  worship

the Surya Deva and follow the custom of

Suryopasana which is for the benefit of

our good health and also for the eyes.

More over we do worship the Lord Sri Narayana daily in this month.

And worship the  Goddess Godadevi and perform her marriage

with the lord Sree Krishna.