Why are the small children wanded off
from the effects of evil eyes ?
In India since the ancient time this custom
is being followed as everywhere the evil eye
can be seen and others are affected by its evil force.
Because of vehement jealosy and impurity
in the mind the evil eye
(which is also known as Dishti) gets started.
Then we will become victim of any evil eye.
The consequences would be very bad for that evil eye.
Mostly the small children, infants,
babies get effected by that evil eye.
The reason is on the occasions of festival
time, birthday festivity, wedding ceremonies,
those who attended the children,
and elders etcs will certainly get effected .
Hence, our eleders observe this custom
and wand off them the effects of evil eyes.
Usually the salt with or without dried chillies
is taken into left hand and turned three times
clockwise and anti-clockwise around the head of the affected person.
This customs are being followed at the time of
when we make triumph, when we are apraised
by others for our great success, when we fall sick
due to weakness and other ailment then our elders
wand off us with the salt, dried chillies or turmeric
powder with lime water or lemon,
or with hair, or with black thread.
Mostly for the children, this kind of custom
is observed for their health purpose and also inadvance
they should not be affected by that evil eye.
Sometimes the children are startled and
awake at night and start to cry with fear.
For those kinds of deformities to eliminate
the evil eye, the children and the elders are wanded off.
Specially on the occasions of the festivals and
merriments when we attend those functions ,
normally the other people crowd around us
and talk about us, then naturally the evil eyes’
effect would be communicated by that contagion
and we will fall sick and also negative and
unfavourable incidents will take place after those functions.
Because of this only, on the occasions of Marriage
ceremonies, Birthday parties etc., compulsorily
our eleders give the Harati (Arti) and then
at the end wand off the evil eye effects with red water.
By seeing the red colour repeatedly , so many
diseases will be removed and the mind set to
tranquility state and gets some kind of
courageness. So, this custom is observed everywhere.
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