What are the interesting points
about the Sree Saila Kshetram ?  -2

Hence, here in this contest,  the person who is
 suffering from his Poorva karma paapam ,
 they have to do the pilgrimage the Sree Saila Kshetram
 (one of the Jyothirlinga kshetram) and stay there atleast
 completely for three days and worship the Lord and
have the blessings of Him what the Sthala Puranam says.

This kshetram is  situated in Andhra Pradesh and  in the Kurnool district.

This Sree Sailam kshetram is 1500 feet high above the sea level.

Here in this sacred place the Paataala Ganga (which is known the
river flowing at a very low level from the ground ) flows
 between the three mountains which are called
Brahama giri, Vishnu giri and Rudra giri) towards
 the north known as Uttara vaahini.

The height of the Sree Saila Sikharam (tower) is 2830 feet.

In the Kruta yugam, the great Raakshasa raja
(king of demons), the Hiranyakasipuh worshipped the
lord Maheswara in this Sree Saila kshetram as his Pooja Gruham.

Later on in the Treya yuga and the Dwapara yuga the
 Lord Sree Ramachandrah and Pandavas visited 
respectively this Holy Jyotirlina kshetra.

After that in this Kaliyuga, the devotees have
been doing the pilgrimage this kshetram. 

In olden  days, the devotees had to take risk to reach
 this Sree Sailam and they had very inconvenience also.

The king Prolaya Vemareddy in the period of
AC  1326 to 35, arranged some facilities
 and  constructed the steps to the Sree Sailam.

Once the devotees used to incur a  great strain
and also squander the money to reach this  Holy Kshetram
and had to Darshan of the Lord Sree Saila Mallikharjuna swamy.

This kind of Darshan was used to be called as Dhooli Darshanam.

So, likewise  after having that kind of Dhooli Darshan,
 and  used to  stay there and sleep at night in that place,

 next day monring used to take the  holy dip in the
Paatala Ganga and again have the Darshan of the
Mallikharjuna swamy which was a custom and being also continued even today.

In these days also some devotees make the pilgrimage
like Dhoolidarshan  and observe the same old custom
 and finally they feel greatly of their lives
 have become fruitful for the divinity.


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