How to worship the Agna Chakram ?

The Agna Chakram is in the
middle of the  two eyeborws.

When the Gayatri Mantram is chanted,

the letter eighteen,  “YO” implies  the place of

Bhoomadhya which is the middle of the eyebrows.

It is the central point for the nerves.

 This Agna Chakram bestows

 the  memory to the mind.

 Hence, the Agnachakra must be  blotted

 with the Kumkum or Tilakam  or Vibhuti.

By doing so, the Agnachakra is worshipped and

the nerves in the brain of the head

will receive the power of memory.

Hence the Agnachakra should

 be worshipped with Kumkum .

Who  made Kubera, the deity of Yaksha,
  the lord for the wealth  in this universe ?

The Goddess, Sree Mahalakshmi is the weatlhiest

  of all other deities which we know. 

The one who is  the  head of the Northern

 direction,  the chief of the Yaksha deities,

whose  ascetic performance of penance over

 long years was pleased and  who has the

abundant treasury, that is  one and only the

Yaksha Kubera was given bestowed by

 all the treasury by the Goddess Sree Mahalakshmi.

Because, of the goddess Sree Lakshmi, the Ya ksha Raja,

Kubera was become in charge of all the treasry.


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