How to bring up the children ? 

We should bring up the children by the

methods of customs, loving care and controlling.

Upto five years, the children must be nurtured

 with much pampered  like princes, afterwards,

 for fifteen years the children

 should be commanded  as a master to his servants.

 After sixteen years the children must be treated  

like our beloved friends and  they should be

brought up  by honouring their words with watchfulness.

 Then only the children can become a deserved persons in the society.

Showing much affection on children is different,

 pampering the children is different.

If the children are nurtured with love and care,

then they will certainly become

ideal and competent persons.

If the children are brought up with much

pamperedness, surely  one day they will become

  problemative persons to our families, to the society.

What were the mistakes that we  committed

 in the past that  should not be repeated ,

 what was we lost from our patents should be

analized,  on what basical conditions, that we

 reached to this position that should also be memorized

and should not  make the same mistakes again

 in our family life while bringing up the chidlren.

The children must be nurtured as virtuous  persons

in this socieity and they should be useful

for the society and also to us in our old days.

If not like that, even at our advanced old age,

still that we are taking care of our children

  means  that indicates taht we  did not

 bring  them  up in a rightful systematic way.


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