What are the Chaturvidha Daanas ?

Born as  human being is superior than

all of  other creatures.  

The essence of the  life is for

sacrifisation  and self reliazation.

Though having the wealth, the

man must lead  as an ascetic life.

The Danam means the charity.

Whatever the capability we have in the

 form of money, knowledge, power, etc.,

should be utilized for the welfare and benefic of others.

Those who are in fear of  their life

 ( at the time of Prana bhayam), we have to

 provide the security  (Abhayam) to them.

Those who suffer from the illness and

can not effort for the treatment,

they should be given the treatment

 and other medical facilities.

Those who do not have money and

who are poor, they can be given the free

  education and bring them up in their lives.

Those who suffer from hungry,

they mut be fed with food.

The above said things are the

Chaturvidha Daanas what the scriptures say.

If we offer all the four Daanas to those

 who are in needy,  certainly our poorva janma

sins will be removed and we  will live

 happily in this birth only.


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