Does the Gayatri Mantra Japam  give the
  progeny to those who do not have offspring ?

Of all the Mantras, the Gayatri Maha

Mantra is superior “ Naa Gayatri param mantrah”

what the sastras said..

The twenty four beejaksharas ( mystic syllable )

 in the Gayatri maha mantra stimulate

the twenty four orgas in the human body.

The Mantra inspires the nervous system also.

The Aksharam (letter) “Nya” in the

mantra relates to the scrotum (Vrushanam).

When we chant that letter  “Nya” , the

 scrotums get tottered and inspired .

 And the glands of the womb also

gets strengthen and there is

 possibility for getting offspring.

Which is the greatest gratitude ?

One  who forgets the goodness or

benefit  or favour  received  from

 others is called  Krutagnuh.

One who  does not forget the favour

done by others is called Krutagnata.

One who does not forget the good deeds

 done by others (to us ) and who also

 praises their greateness it is also

 one of the Punyam (earned trhough good deeds).

Having remembered others’ goodness

towards us and doing the favour in return

 (Pratyupakaaram) and make them

 happy is secondary (middle) step.

And the best of all the gratitude is

  one who make others most happy

 by doing much help and favour

 more than what they recived  from others.


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