What are the result achieved  after taking
Sree Vigneswara’s Prasadam ?

Only the lord Sree Ganeswarah is worshipped

by means of Veda maarga  and also the lord

can be worshipped with impurity

in the form of Pisaacha Ganapathi
(Spirit of Ganapati).

In the first case, if the God Ganesh is

worshipped in the Vaidika system,

after taking the Prasadam (which is

 offered to the lord as Naivedyam),

 with the same mouth if any devotee

 enchants the Vishnu Mantram,

 that would be results of spiritual merit to him.

Like wise, after taking the prasadam,

 without washing the mouth, eats any

other eatables , then he will continue the other habits



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