What kind of qualities  should a 
man learn from the Animals  ?

“Simhadekam Bakaadekam Shatsoona Streeni gardabaath
Vayasatpancha sikshecchatwari Kukkutaath ”

We normally hate the animals and keep them

at a distance due to our  psychological feelings.

But by nature the animals have excellent

qualities (gunas) which we do not have

 and we should learn many things

from them and correct ourselves.

Almost, indirectly they teach us  how

to behave and how to live in

this society, in day to day life.

We have to learn one quality from the Lion,

 two things from the Crane (stork),

six things from the Dog,

 three qualities from the Ass, and

  four things from the Hen (or Cock).

While hunting the other animals ,

 the Lion makes use of  its all energies.

The Crane takes its food according

to the tropographical atomosphere

and also the season.

Because, the cranes migrates to distantant places.

So, the man also must learn and  do like that.

Eats according to the necessary,

 feels happy with a little gain,  good sleep,

  awaking at proper  circumstance and

time, most obedience and lives for t

rusted servant and having the bravery,

 all these six  qualities the Dog

does have by its birth.

Hence the man must learn these

six qualities from the Dog.

The Ass bears a burden (carries a heavey weight),

 does care for the atmosphere and works hard

and sleeps  well, happily and comfortably. 

So these three qualities must be learnt from the Ass.

The Crow does it romanticism secretly,

having the harshness, without idleness

lives for work hard, takes much watchfulness

 and care about nesting its nests. 

The Crow teaches us all her qualities to us.

So we should leanr from the Crow.

The Hen or Cock has also special qualites.

 We must learn from them .

The Hen , does have the valourism

while fighting with its others and never runs away,

 awakes so early in the morning before the

 Brahmee muhurtam,  eats jointly with its co- hens,

cocks,  when troubles come the Cock

protects its hens and others.

All these qualities a Hen and Cock has.

So we must learn those qualities from them.

If we see the wonders of  the qualities of the

 Animals though  they do not have mind and speech. 

For  the  perfection to live in this society as a

 human being, we must also have all thsoe qualities of the animals.


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