What is Panchamrutam ?

The  Panchamrutam is specially prepared

on the ascpicious occasions of religious worships.

This Panchamrutam is prepared with

Cow’s Milk, curd, ghee, honey, sugar

 by adding  ripen banana fruit and

adding  some quantity of coconut water in it.

Same quantity of the  Cow’s Milk, curd,

 ghee are used for this Panchamrutam.

Just like Teertham this Panchamrutam

 is distributed to all after the worship is over.

Who are the Deities ?

Those who have the five qualities of

 Non –violence of the Body,

Athma, the politeness and etiquette,

the plentitude of the Shodasa kalas,

 the good qualities and character  and

non-transform  immortality  are

known as Devatas (Deities).

Why are the  small children wanded off
  from the effects of evil eyes ?

In India since the ancient time this custom
 is being  followed as everywhere the evil eye
 can be seen and others are affected by its evil force.

Because of  vehement jealosy and impurity
 in the mind the evil eye
(which is also known as Dishti) gets started.

 Then we will become victim of any evil eye.

The consequences would be very bad for that evil eye.

Mostly the small children, infants,
 babies get effected by that evil eye.

The reason is on the occasions of festival
 time, birthday festivity, wedding ceremonies,
 those  who attended the children,
and elders etcs will certainly get effected .

Hence, our eleders observe this custom
 and wand off them  the effects of evil eyes. 

Usually the salt with or without dried chillies
 is taken into left hand and turned three times
 clockwise and anti-clockwise around the head of the affected person.

This customs are  being followed at the time of
 when we make triumph, when we are apraised
 by others for our great success, when we fall sick
 due to weakness and other ailment then our elders
 wand off us with the salt, dried chillies or turmeric
 powder with lime water or lemon,
or with hair, or with black thread.

Mostly for the children, this kind of custom
is observed for their health purpose and also  inadvance
 they should not be affected by that evil eye.

Sometimes the children are startled and
awake at night and start to cry with fear. 

For those  kinds of deformities to eliminate
the evil eye, the children and the elders are wanded off.

Specially on the occasions of the festivals and
 merriments when we attend those functions ,
normally the other people crowd around us
 and talk about us, then naturally the evil eyes’
 effect would be communicated by that contagion
and we will fall sick and also negative and
unfavourable incidents will take place after those  functions.

Because of this only, on the occasions of Marriage
 ceremonies, Birthday parties etc., compulsorily
our eleders give the Harati (Arti) and then
at the end wand off the evil eye effects with red water.

By seeing the red colour repeatedly , so many
diseases will be removed and the mind set to
tranquility state and gets some kind of
courageness.  So, this custom is observed everywhere.

Why the Sacred Basil (Tulasi) is forbiddened 
in the Pooja of Ganesha (Vinayaka) ?

Bhadrapada maasa Sukla Chaturdhi is

 the festival for the Lord Ganesha.

The festival is also known as   Vinayaka chaviti or

 Ganesh Chaturdhi etc.,

  He is the lord of all deeds. works,  affairs,

 functions and  festive occasions. 

First and first the Ganesha is to be worshipped

 and then our work is to be started.

Then we do not have any obstructions for our efforts

and the results would be successful.

This is a religious customs which we all believe so strongly.

In the festival of the  God Ganesha (on the festival day

of Sree Vinayaka Chaturdhi), it is customized since

 the mythological time, as the Lord is being worshipped

  with twenty one kinds of flowers and specified leaves

(Ekavimsati Patrani).

But among them  the sacred Tulasi (Basil) can not be seen.

 The Basil which is the  most sacred for all of the Deities

and all our festival occasins, but with which

 we do not worship the lord Vinayaka.

There was a mythological story.

 In the ancient  time, once, on the banks of

the River, Ganges, the lord Ganesha was roaming

on a plesant stroll, the princess

Dharmadwaja’s daughter  looked at Him.

Then she had a passionated fond of the Ganesha

 and wanted to marry and asked Vinayaka to marry her.

For this, the Vigneswara  rejected Dharmadwajaa’s princess.

 When once the lord Ganesha contempted her offer,

the princess got angry and anathematised Him

to live as a Brahmachari (celibate) for ever.

 For this, the Lord Ganesha retaliated and

cursed her to live near a demon for a long time.

The princess felt very said about her hastiness

 and the incident also  and prayed Vinayaka

for the Saapavimukti (deliverance from the curse).

Then the Lord Ganesha had become calm and

gave the saapavimukti that  she would stay with

the demon and after some time she will born as  a sacred Tulasi (Basil).

It happened like that and she was born as a holy Tulasi.

Hence, in the festival of  the God Vinayaka, the Tulasi (Basil) is not added.

What are the interesting points
about the Sree Saila Kshetram ?  -2

Hence, here in this contest,  the person who is
 suffering from his Poorva karma paapam ,
 they have to do the pilgrimage the Sree Saila Kshetram
 (one of the Jyothirlinga kshetram) and stay there atleast
 completely for three days and worship the Lord and
have the blessings of Him what the Sthala Puranam says.

This kshetram is  situated in Andhra Pradesh and  in the Kurnool district.

This Sree Sailam kshetram is 1500 feet high above the sea level.

Here in this sacred place the Paataala Ganga (which is known the
river flowing at a very low level from the ground ) flows
 between the three mountains which are called
Brahama giri, Vishnu giri and Rudra giri) towards
 the north known as Uttara vaahini.

The height of the Sree Saila Sikharam (tower) is 2830 feet.

In the Kruta yugam, the great Raakshasa raja
(king of demons), the Hiranyakasipuh worshipped the
lord Maheswara in this Sree Saila kshetram as his Pooja Gruham.

Later on in the Treya yuga and the Dwapara yuga the
 Lord Sree Ramachandrah and Pandavas visited 
respectively this Holy Jyotirlina kshetra.

After that in this Kaliyuga, the devotees have
been doing the pilgrimage this kshetram. 

In olden  days, the devotees had to take risk to reach
 this Sree Sailam and they had very inconvenience also.

The king Prolaya Vemareddy in the period of
AC  1326 to 35, arranged some facilities
 and  constructed the steps to the Sree Sailam.

Once the devotees used to incur a  great strain
and also squander the money to reach this  Holy Kshetram
and had to Darshan of the Lord Sree Saila Mallikharjuna swamy.

This kind of Darshan was used to be called as Dhooli Darshanam.

So, likewise  after having that kind of Dhooli Darshan,
 and  used to  stay there and sleep at night in that place,

 next day monring used to take the  holy dip in the
Paatala Ganga and again have the Darshan of the
Mallikharjuna swamy which was a custom and being also continued even today.

In these days also some devotees make the pilgrimage
like Dhoolidarshan  and observe the same old custom
 and finally they feel greatly of their lives
 have become fruitful for the divinity.

What are the interesting points
about the Sree Saila Kshetram ?  -1

The Vedas, Upanishads, and other sacred scriptures
 illustrate about the God who is  Paramaatha and  also
 He is called in other names by means of Puranas,
and other sastras. God is Sarvavyapi who is all pervader.

Since the ancient time, in the Hindusthan the people
have a strong belief that God is everywhere and
 in the form of different names, in  different forms
and in different places which are so holy and
 highly woshipped with their utmost  devotion.

And they used to do the pilgrimage and stay
in those holy kshetras for days and months
together and worship the God inside and outside .

 Here inside means Athma pooja which is
 God is in the form of Athma.

 And outside means, God is everywhere who is
specially shined   in the forms of  Sacred Idols.

 What ever the way  they follow and observe ,
 all are get over  our illusion, Agnanam, and rebirths.

Every Kshetram has got its own Sthala Puranam
which is the Mythological fable about that holy place.

In the twelve Jyothirlinga kshetras, the
Sree Saila Kshetram  takes the second place in order.

“Sree Saila Srunge Vibudhaathi sange tulaadri tungepi mudaavasantam
Tamarjunam Mallika poorva mekam namaami samsaara samudrasethum”

And this SreeSaila kshetram is also one of the
 Sakti Peetha Sthalam  among Ashtadasa (eighteen) Sakti Peethas in India
which is in the name of Sree Bhramaraambika.

The Lord, Sree Maheswara in the name of
 Mallikharjuna swamy and the Goddess, Parvathi is in the name of
Bhramaraambika are being worshipped.

This kshetra has got its glory since ancient time.

Every one is born with their  poorva karma doshas
 (which are the sins of  previous births).

 So, every human being has been suffering
 a lot with their previous births’ sins.

Though having richness, power, qualification,
fame, palaces etc, we are great sufferers from
the previous births’ sins what the Sastras say.

Because, all we  have attachments with the illusion
which can not be removed even in the coming births.

Egoness, Dehaabhimanam, and the Eeshanatrayam
 (whch are Dhaareshana, Dhaneshana and Putreshana)
are the main things   in which we are completely
 dipped into the ocean of illusion.

This actually is called Samsaram which is moving from place to place.

(Continued ...)

How to bring up the children ? 

We should bring up the children by the

methods of customs, loving care and controlling.

Upto five years, the children must be nurtured

 with much pampered  like princes, afterwards,

 for fifteen years the children

 should be commanded  as a master to his servants.

 After sixteen years the children must be treated  

like our beloved friends and  they should be

brought up  by honouring their words with watchfulness.

 Then only the children can become a deserved persons in the society.

Showing much affection on children is different,

 pampering the children is different.

If the children are nurtured with love and care,

then they will certainly become

ideal and competent persons.

If the children are brought up with much

pamperedness, surely  one day they will become

  problemative persons to our families, to the society.

What were the mistakes that we  committed

 in the past that  should not be repeated ,

 what was we lost from our patents should be

analized,  on what basical conditions, that we

 reached to this position that should also be memorized

and should not  make the same mistakes again

 in our family life while bringing up the chidlren.

The children must be nurtured as virtuous  persons

in this socieity and they should be useful

for the society and also to us in our old days.

If not like that, even at our advanced old age,

still that we are taking care of our children

  means  that indicates taht we  did not

 bring  them  up in a rightful systematic way.

What kind of qualities  should a 
man learn from the Animals  ?

“Simhadekam Bakaadekam Shatsoona Streeni gardabaath
Vayasatpancha sikshecchatwari Kukkutaath ”

We normally hate the animals and keep them

at a distance due to our  psychological feelings.

But by nature the animals have excellent

qualities (gunas) which we do not have

 and we should learn many things

from them and correct ourselves.

Almost, indirectly they teach us  how

to behave and how to live in

this society, in day to day life.

We have to learn one quality from the Lion,

 two things from the Crane (stork),

six things from the Dog,

 three qualities from the Ass, and

  four things from the Hen (or Cock).

While hunting the other animals ,

 the Lion makes use of  its all energies.

The Crane takes its food according

to the tropographical atomosphere

and also the season.

Because, the cranes migrates to distantant places.

So, the man also must learn and  do like that.

Eats according to the necessary,

 feels happy with a little gain,  good sleep,

  awaking at proper  circumstance and

time, most obedience and lives for t

rusted servant and having the bravery,

 all these six  qualities the Dog

does have by its birth.

Hence the man must learn these

six qualities from the Dog.

The Ass bears a burden (carries a heavey weight),

 does care for the atmosphere and works hard

and sleeps  well, happily and comfortably. 

So these three qualities must be learnt from the Ass.

The Crow does it romanticism secretly,

having the harshness, without idleness

lives for work hard, takes much watchfulness

 and care about nesting its nests. 

The Crow teaches us all her qualities to us.

So we should leanr from the Crow.

The Hen or Cock has also special qualites.

 We must learn from them .

The Hen , does have the valourism

while fighting with its others and never runs away,

 awakes so early in the morning before the

 Brahmee muhurtam,  eats jointly with its co- hens,

cocks,  when troubles come the Cock

protects its hens and others.

All these qualities a Hen and Cock has.

So we must learn those qualities from them.

If we see the wonders of  the qualities of the

 Animals though  they do not have mind and speech. 

For  the  perfection to live in this society as a

 human being, we must also have all thsoe qualities of the animals.

Why are the Salagramas more powerful ?

The Salagramas are the real
form of Sree Mahavishnuh. 

The lines and the apertures with the streaks

of the Salagramas are founded on the banks

of the river, Gandaki and its whirlpool of

 Daapaadara  what the Sree Devi Bhagavatam says.

The Gandaki river flows in the Napal monarchy.

All the sacred Sastras and the Dharma

sastras state emphatically.

The  worshipping of  the Salagrams is outstanding

  and higher in its glory than performing the

 Yagna Yaaags and also the worshipping of enchants etc.,

One should not purchase these Salagrams.

And also we  should not sell the Salagrams.

Offering the Salagramas as charity  (Salagrama Daanam)

 to the deserving person  is higher than all other Charities.

In the ancient days, those people used to keep

the Salagrams for their spiritual protection.

The Salagrams are available only on the bank of

Gandaki River in Muktinadh kshetram of Nepal country.

The  Lord Sree Vishnu is worshipped   with

 Salagramas in the Vishnu Temples like

Tirupati, Sree Rangam, Kumbhakonam, Bhadrachalam, etc.,