Where  do we have to  start the
circumbulation to the Nava Grahas ?

The Karma Phalam which is previous birth’s

result of Papa and Punya must be

experienced in this present birth.

It is believed that the  fate is known in

 the form of planetary force and their effects.

The life is full of ups and downs.

 The symbolic of the day is for the  happiness

and the night is for the  meseries.

But utlimately if we study, the man is  steeped

 into  the ocean of    sorrowness  than the happiness.

Except grief in this life, the happiness

can not be found. Why ?

It is because of our ignorance and also

  that we are living in the illusion.

But simultaneously  the sacred scripts

 said the remedies for those sufferins.

The man is karma jeevi and has a

strong belief in the Karma kanda.

 He  wants to come out from that meseries.

Hence, he follows the religious 

rituals what is said in  the scripts.

Regarding the circumbulation to the Nava Grahas,

 while doing the Pradakshina ,we have to

enchant the Aditya Stotram,starting from

 the Surya graha and complete one round a

nd come to the Surya Graha,

it means completing of one pradakshina.

 So, like wise, the  remaining eight

 circumbulations have to be done for other

 Grahas like, Chandra, Angaraka (Mars), Rahu,

Saturn (Sani), Kethu, Guru (Jupiter),

Budha (mercury) and Sukra (Venus).

The Idols of Navagrahas are installed in

different directions according to the sastra.

The Surya graha is installed facing towards

the east and also in the middle of other grahas.

The Moon is installed towards the south east.  

 The Mars towards the south, the Rahu is

 installed towards the South west .

The Saturn is installed towards the west.

The Kethu is towards north west.

The Jupiter is towards the north.

The Budha is installed towards the north east

and the Venus is installed towards the east.


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