Why should not the dog be beaten ?

When we think of a dog, certain

 good things  about it can be known.

 The dog can alos be known as Kukkurah,

Bhashakah, Mrugadamsakah, Kauleyakah, Sunakah,

 Sarameyah, Gramasimhah, swanah  etc in the sanskrit laanguage.

The dog  is a part of our daily life.

It protects us from so many disasters.

Means it protects from  other animals,

 thieves, and also other enemies.

The dog is most faithful animal which

is also a  pet to the man.

There is one proverb which  our elders say frequently

“The man does not have such kind of faithness

 but which a road side  dog has the same”.

It is also our house saver.

The dog can track by sense of  

smell  even from a long distance.

No doubt such  a great power of

 comprehension it has.

  It smells the air, dust or dirt and other things

 even at  a distance of miles together.

Hence it is said in the Sacred Scripts like Vedas,

Upanishads and other scripts, the dog should not be beated.

Even at the time of Yagas, and the Hawans,

when the dog enters, we should observe

the Samyamanm (Restraining or forbearance) and should not beat it.

In the Yama loka which is Narakaloka,

for the wicked sinner, the meat of the  Jackal  which

is the  same kind of  specy of the dog is given as food.

In the great epics like Sree Ramayanam and

 also the Mahabharatm, there were incidents

that the dog enters the courts of the King

Sree Ramachandra and also Sree Dharma raja for its justice.

And in both cases, the dog was given the

opprtunity to punish the offender (guilty person)

 but not by the Sree Ramachandra and also Sree Dharmaraja. 

Then the Dog gave an amazing justice to

the offender without put him into troubles

 and asked the King just offer  him

 an assignment of Dharmadhikari in the temples. 

Now let  us  think about the post of

Dharmadhikari whether it is Punyam or Papam ?


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