Which earned  money can not be
 received to the next generatrions ?

The life must be lead according to the

 religious principles,  on the path of  Dharma.

 Every movement and every where man’s life

 can be very hard if he safeguard the Pietiness.

Even earning the money should also be on the  righteous path .

People earn so much money and become weathy.

The next generations of that family may receive

that weath or may not, that  only it depends upon

 in which way the wealth was earned by their ancestors.

The money which was earned in the code of law and

rightmindednessly by the predecessors is considered.

The wealth which was gained through

 the truthfully  and also lawfully can be

got transferred to the next generation.

The money which was earned by falsehood

 and outragely  can certainly be deprived off.

The money which is earned on higher interest amount

that  can not be preserved for a long time.

But the money earned on very reasonable interest

 amount,  that would be safeguarded for long time.

The money which was not earned by the  

ladies  that can be reserved for some time .

Without deserveness the  money which is earned

by forcebly and refuge can not be ptotected ,

 so that money can  also be lost.

The money which is earned by others intelligence

but not by us, that money can also be perished.

Therefore, overall , the Dharma  tells us the

 money must be eanred lawfully.


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