Why should we worship the God without turban ?

On particular time, in the morning and also

 in the evening we do pooja to the God.

 But the  Prayer, meditation and constant  

remembering of  the God can be done every moment

as there is no particular time for them.

 Even though, we must have the

cleanliness to the mind and the body.

So we have to take the bath which refreshes the both.

While doing the Pooja (worhsipping) the God,

 one should not wear the footwear, turban etc., 

The Earth and the Space (Aakasam) are the elements

 among the Pancha Bhootas (five elements).

Because of that reason,  the Pooja has to be done

 by standing on the ground (earth) without footwear 

and also turban (Ushneeshah in sasnskrit) and

 pray to the God only for the sake of His

complete  Grace  which Karunaa Kataaksham.

When receiving the Grace from the God,

while doing Pooja, there should  not be any

obstruction (hindrance) from the footwear,

 turban etc. and the grace should not be disturbed.

Hence it is said in the scripts, take out

the footwear,  turbans etc and do the Pooja to the God.

Is it good to take our food on the Aluminium plates ?

Everything is said  for the welfare of the mankind

 and the society how to lead the life in this world.

The Hindu scripts give us the countless

dictums , precautions, and the ways to live.

In the medical sciences, mainly the Ayurveda 

science says that the Aluminium plates o

r utensils should not be used for taking food .

There is every possibility to become sick

 if we take food on those aluminium plates.


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