Why did the Sastras say to  wear the
Nava Ratna Ring ( the Ring consists of nine gems) ?

Since the ancient time, people have been using

 the Nava Ratnas (nine gems) in different ornaments.

Though it might be the custom, but the ancient

scripts say about the geomology (Ratna Sastra)

in detail, what the result is given by the different gem. 

The particular gem gives the good results and also

 the negative results on different situations. 

The Gems are also called Stones in common language.

These days, almost for the past 3 to 4  decades,

the cheating and adulteration have been increased

 in business because of the greediness and covetousness,

since the  people purchasing the  gems  by spending

 much money on them , but the gems are not orginal. 

Accquiring the  original gems   are

 difficult, even if the money is spent.

We feel as if they are original since

 we spent a lot of money on them.

In the human body, there are nine  elements

 which are Dhatavah in sanskrit language.

The gems only tell the inner meaning

 (paramaardham ) of those elements.

Let us see these things abou the Gems ......

The Coral (Pravalam) is  indicating  the blood.

The Pearl signifies the bones.

The Topaz indicates for the flesh.

The Supphire is signifies the Hair (Siroja)

The precious stone, Lapis Lazuli ( which is Vaidhooryam) is signifying the Fat.

The green  coloured precious stone which is also called Topaz ( Gomedhikam ) is indicating the strength.

The red crimmson coloured Ruby is signifying the semen which Veeryam.

The Diamond stone is indicating for the Spine.

The Emerald (Marakatam) is signifying for the Nails.

If we go deep into the Ratna Sastram and also

 the Astrology simultaneouly,  the Ratnas must be

 worn according to the planetary sistuations and

 most importantly we have to consider

for the real Gems, but not the duplicate stones.

Real gems certainly give the best results if we wear

them according to the planetary position and  also

to be considered   the period of the planet is running.


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