How were the Gothras formed ?
The Gothras means the lineage deireved from the
anicient Hindu Rishis. Every person has their
own Gothra name in their respective families.
If we pursue that the families have the names of the
Gothras like Gautamasya, Haritasya, Kaundinyasa,
Bharadwajasya, Kaasyapasya, Maithreyasya,
Vaasistyasya .. like this we can find.
In the ancient time the people in India had the Cows.
The Cow is the most sacred one and is being worshipped
as Gomaata since those days. In those ancient days,
the Cows were the wealth of the people.
The people used to make journeys from one place
to another place on different reasons.
At that time, for the protection of the Cows (Go Samrakshana) ,
the people established Gothras.
If the herd of one’s cows joins or mixes wiith another’s
herd of cows, that may be difficult thing for them to locate
or identify their Cows.
If any problem or difficulty comes with that,
it was used to be a very difficult process to judge.
If any disputes had arised the Gothrapalaks justified the matter.
Hence, for this complicating thing, the Gothrapalaks
arranged the Gothras for the guardianship of their
Cows which make them to justify so comfortably.
Like wise the disputes who , the Gothrapalakas justified
the issues were used to be ascetics who performed penance.
With the attainined spirituality the Gothrapalakas
used to preach the Chaturvidha Phala purushardhas to the people.
After that, over the period, those Gothrapalaks’ names
became the Gothras to their next generations,
In the parentage, as the descent , those who were born ,
have been worshipping the names of their Originators’
(Gothrapalaks’) names as sacred.
On the occasions of Yagnas, performance of religious
observance, Marriage functions, Pooja and other sacred
observations the names of Gothras have become the vital role.
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