Does the Deity Yama Dharmaraja  warn us ?

The Yamadharmaraja is representation for the death
 who takes the lives of all the creatures timely.

He is symbolic for the equality and common characteristic for all.

To all of us, he warns us in advance ,that time has started
for us  to leave this earth in certain time.

The warnings are in the form of different changes in the body.

First , the hair starts falling, which means the death
 starts coming.
 The hair becomes gray. The teeth fall down.

The the eye sight occurs, next the trembling
 starts in the hands and legs.

That is the last warning of Yamadharmaraja for us.

When the hair falling is started, we are given  caution
that we should pray God, do good and be good.

 Live the remaining  life atleast virtuously.

And do the all the duties rightfully in this world
and get the comforts in a rightful way what
the Deity Yamadharmaraja warns us.


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