Why a Hindu  should put a cosmetic mark or
 Kumkuma on the forehead ?

The Human Body consists of many organs. For each organ
it has its  own Deity.

The Lalatah (the forehead) is the  place for
Lord Brahma Deva. Means the Lalatah is the sacred place
 for Brahmadeva.. 

The colour for Brahma Deva is red.  

Hence the Brahma Sthana of Lalatah (forehead) should be
adorned with the mark of cosmetic which is Kumkuma. 

The forehead should  not be exposed to the Sun Rays. 

The Jeeva which is also called Prana resides in the
Human body at the place of Bhru Madhya (flown) and  in the
 form of Jyothih that too in tbe Agna Chakra. And also
it resides in the Tranquility state in the place
 of Heart in Anahata Chakra.

If the Kumkuma mark is adorned in the forehead with
 the ring finger, one attains the divine peace. 

If the middle finger  is usedone can have the longvity.

If the thumb is used one canget the energy. 

If the point finger is used we can get
the devotion and  emancipation.

The Kumkuma is always better than the plastic blotch. 

The kumkuma is good for insecticidal (Krimisamharakam).
So every one must wear the well-being Kumkuma
on their foreheads. 

When the Kumkuma is blotted on theforehead, then 
it says we are worshipping the Jnaja Chakram.


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