How to take food ?
Taittireeya Brahmanam tells, two time meals is required
for the human being and if any any food is not taken in
between that which it could be a Upavasa Phalam (result of fasting) .
When eating food one must face towards the East.
If we do like that one will have the longvity.
If we take food facing towards the South we can get the fame.
If we take the food by facing towards the North,
the desires will be fulfilled.
But one should not eat food facing towards the South and
the West what the Vishnu Puranam and Vamana Puranam say.
Hence all the Sastras accept with one accord that everyone
should eat the food by facing towards the East.
One should not sit on the leaves or on the iron planks
(low stools) and eat the food.
Who wants to earn or get money , he must eat the
food on the leaves of either Banyan , or Calotropis gigantea
(Arkah in Sanskrit Language) or Pipal (holy fig tree)
(Aswatha Vrukshah in Sanskrit language) or Leucas aspera or
Pungam tree called Pongamia giabra.
The Renounced Sanyasis( Religious Mendicates) must
take their food on the leaves of tree called flame of the forest or
Butea frondosa ( Palasah in Sanskrit language).
Before eating and finishing the food one should do the
Achamanam (sipping water in driblets as part of religious oblation).
Before eating our food we must have to
do the salutation with joined hands.
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