The Charity of Education (Vidya danam ) is
greater than all other Charities. Why ?

In general, the Sastras say that  we have to feed the hunger.
Annadanam is greater what it says.

But the Manu Says in his Manu Smruthi the charity of
education (Vidya Danam) is higher than all other charities. 

And the result of that charity is also great.

Even a lay man knows by charity one will have the result of
 Punyam (merit). The charities are like ... offering water, (Jaladanam),
  Annadanam, Bhoodanam, Vastradanam, Suvarna danam, the danam
of daily money to others are all meritorious deeds. But the charity
of Education which is Vidya Danam is higher than those.

Suppose if the provisions, articles, money etc are given to others
like poor , they are useful for them only and also for that day only. 

 But, if we give the education to others ( if we educate others),
bacause of that education, the receiver who got educattion ,
 he will be benefited in his life and also his  entire  family
and next generation will  alsobe so benefited.

There is one proverb, in olden days, make him learn fishing
 in the water is higher than  offering a food with delicious fish


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