Why do not we the three people go for 
any auspicious things ?

For every custom , some reason was given  to follow 

certain alms and  some conventions.  

Normally for any auspicious things or any materialitic 

or domestic affairs, some times people go collectively 

to attend that or solve that. 

Even for a problem three people do not go out , if the situation arises.

We heard this thing many times as three people should not go at a time.

 On  any certain thing or work, it is said three people ought not go.

Suppose,  though it is auspicious purpose, or domestic affair 

if the three people go collectively, on the way there is possibility

 to happen any differences between them while talking

 on that particular thing or issue etc.,

 Every human being has got his own  nature 

and way of thinking and also opinion.

If one persons says, his opinion is correct and another

 one says his decesion is right, like that some kind of 

difference may occur. 

Sometimes they may argue  themselves  even for small thing also. 

Then the real thing or affair will be spoilt.

Suppose, if two persons go , then they can adjust

themselves , think rightly and want 
to finish of their work sucessfully.


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