Why do we remember the names of   
five maidens from Mythology ?

 The Sastras say every day if we remember the names 

of five maidens, the sins which we committed , 

will be removed, and the minds get purified and

 can not be possible to do any other sin.

By remembering (recalling ) those names, a lady

 can follow her Dharma (alms) rightfully and also

 with firmness and  she can do  her womanship in a 

proper way what the Sastras say.  

So recall those names daily, what it is said.

Those mythological five maidens are, 

Ahalya, Draupadi, Seetha Devi, Taara, Mandodari.

“Ahalyaa Draupadee,  Seetaa, Taaraa, Mandodaree thadha
panchkanyaah pathennityamu mahaapaataka naasanam ”


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