What is the  Satsang 
( The Company of Virtuous ) ? 

The company (Sang) is not good for the life. 
But theSatsang (good company) is good. 

By the companionship with the great
souls lead us to happy and peaceful which does not
 have any misery in the materiallistic life. 

The mundane  life is ultimately nothing but painful and sorrowful. 

For the benefit of Philosophical, spiritual and for
self realization and for spiritual knowledge one
must have to approach those great souls (Mahatmas). 

What the ancient scripts say...

“ Satsangakalpavrukshah asou sarvabhisthaphalaprada
Suvaakyamrutavarshena threemstaapaan harate kshanaat”

The Satsang is like a Kalpavrukshah (celestial tree). 

This tree  fullfil the desires of Ihika Aamushmika (mundane and
spiritual) things. 

By the graceful words of those Mahatmas ,
 all the Taapaas which come from Dhaareshana, Dhaneshana
and Putreshana means  a strong desire of wife, money and
children will be removed.

Hence for every person the
Good Company is must in life.

Because of  the association with the Mahatmas,
 every man will  be get prosperity which is eternal.

 Even a drop of water on the lotus petal shines like a great peral.

“ Mahaajanasya samparkah kasya nonnathikaarakah
 Padmapatrasthitam toyam dhatte muktahalasriyam ”

So , having the good association with the great souls
 and follow  them is necessary in life what the elders say.

“ Keetopi sumanassangaadaarohati sataam sirah
Aasmaapi yaati Devatwam mahadbhih supratishtitah ”

Because , having the approach the fragrant flowers ,
 even the ant reaches the great souls. 

By assuming a shape,even the stone 
 which is installed by the Mahatmas
 in temples   and getting divine worship by all.


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