How were the Gothras formed ?

The Gothras means the lineage deireved from the 

 anicient Hindu Rishis.  Every person has their 

own Gothra name in their respective families. 

If we pursue that the  families have the names of the

 Gothras like Gautamasya, Haritasya, Kaundinyasa, 

Bharadwajasya, Kaasyapasya, Maithreyasya, 

Vaasistyasya  .. like this we can find.

In the ancient time the people in India had the Cows.

The Cow is the most sacred one and is being worshipped

 as Gomaata since those days.  In those ancient days, 

the Cows were the wealth of the people.  

The people used to make journeys from one place 

to another place on different reasons. 

At that time, for the protection of the Cows (Go Samrakshana) , 

the people established Gothras.  

If the   herd of one’s cows  joins or mixes wiith another’s
herd of cows, that may be  difficult thing for them to locate
 or identify their Cows. 

If any  problem or difficulty comes with that, 

it was  used to be a very difficult process to judge.  

If any disputes had arised the Gothrapalaks justified the matter.

Hence, for this complicating thing, the Gothrapalaks

  arranged the Gothras for the guardianship of their 

Cows which make them to justify so comfortably.

Like wise the disputes who , the Gothrapalakas justified 

the issues were used to be ascetics who performed penance.

With the attainined spirituality the Gothrapalakas

 used to preach the Chaturvidha Phala purushardhas to the people.

After that,  over the period, those Gothrapalaks’ names 

 became the Gothras to their next generations,

In the parentage, as the descent , those who were born ,

 have been worshipping the names of their Originators’ 

(Gothrapalaks’) names as sacred.

On the occasions of Yagnas, performance of religious 

observance, Marriage functions, Pooja and other sacred 

observations the  names of Gothras  have become  the vital role.

Why do we remember the names of   
five maidens from Mythology ?

 The Sastras say every day if we remember the names 

of five maidens, the sins which we committed , 

will be removed, and the minds get purified and

 can not be possible to do any other sin.

By remembering (recalling ) those names, a lady

 can follow her Dharma (alms) rightfully and also

 with firmness and  she can do  her womanship in a 

proper way what the Sastras say.  

So recall those names daily, what it is said.

Those mythological five maidens are, 

Ahalya, Draupadi, Seetha Devi, Taara, Mandodari.

“Ahalyaa Draupadee,  Seetaa, Taaraa, Mandodaree thadha
panchkanyaah pathennityamu mahaapaataka naasanam ”

Why do not we the three people go for 
any auspicious things ?

For every custom , some reason was given  to follow 

certain alms and  some conventions.  

Normally for any auspicious things or any materialitic 

or domestic affairs, some times people go collectively 

to attend that or solve that. 

Even for a problem three people do not go out , if the situation arises.

We heard this thing many times as three people should not go at a time.

 On  any certain thing or work, it is said three people ought not go.

Suppose,  though it is auspicious purpose, or domestic affair 

if the three people go collectively, on the way there is possibility

 to happen any differences between them while talking

 on that particular thing or issue etc.,

 Every human being has got his own  nature 

and way of thinking and also opinion.

If one persons says, his opinion is correct and another

 one says his decesion is right, like that some kind of 

difference may occur. 

Sometimes they may argue  themselves  even for small thing also. 

Then the real thing or affair will be spoilt.

Suppose, if two persons go , then they can adjust

themselves , think rightly and want 
to finish of their work sucessfully.

What kind of food  should be taken ?

Sceintifically it is said  that the Vegetarian food is

 good for health and longvity.  The balanced diet keeps
 the body healthily.  

The diet should contain the vitamins, mineral, proteins etc.,

The  vegetables which have the tendrils (creepers) 

gives the best results. 

The vegetable which are having creepers like

bottle groud called Lagenarius  vulgaris

 ( Seethala in Sanskrit language), Ridge groud 

( Beerakam in Sanskrit language)

Beans called dolichos lablab ( Simbih in Sanskrit language), 

 Pumpkin called Cucurbita maxima (Kushmandah in Sanskrit language)

 and other vegetables with  creeper are superior for the health point of view.

The Vegetables which grow from the stalks 

(stemsp like Brinjal (Vartakah in Sanskrit ), 

Tomato, Radish, Drumstick, etc all these come next. 

But it will be good for health, if both kinds of vegetables

 are mixed and made curry like  kinds of vegetables like 

Brinjal is mixed with Beans. 

The third best is the vegetables  which are

 grown under the ground., bulbous roots.

Why do we call or chant the ten names of  Arjuna
when the  thunder-stroke happens ?

The  Nature consists of  six seasons (Shadrutus).
Vasanta rutu, Greeshma rutu, Varshrutu, Saradrutu,
Hemantarutu and Sisira rutu.

In the Varshrutu (Rainy season) normally it rains and rains.
 Some times it rains pouringly. It is so natural when it rains,
 in the sky the  thunder-bolts happens.

They roar like  terrible .  Every creature  fear about that.

Mostly the thunder-bolts fall on the trees and near the hill areas.

There was a epic from the Mahabharata.  In the Mahabharata,
 when the Pandavas were in the Agnatavasa Deeksha
( the Pandavas  had to  live in incognito as per the moral decesion)
 the hero Arjuna kept all his Astras (weapons) in the hollow
of  a Sameevruksha  for which one can not see them.

When their Agnatavasa is completed the Arjuna
went to that Sameevruksha  with Uttara (the son of King Virata) 
 to collect his Astras to fight against Duryodhana,
Karna etc in the war of Uttara Gograhana  and
 asked Uttara to bring the weapons from the hollow of that tree.

Then , the Uttara was afraid of bring them from the Samee Tree
as the weapons were looked like poisonous snakes. 

At that time Aruja advised Uttara to chant his  ten names ,
then Uttara  will not have any fearness and he will have courageness.

By this Arjuna’s courageous words then  Uttara did like that.

He chanted Arjuna’s ten names.

Hence the Arujan’s ten names are Arjuna, Phalguna,  Paartha,
Kireeti, Swetavahana, Bheebhatsa, Vijaya,
Krushna (this name was given by Pandavas), Savyasaachi
(He can work with both hands with the same skill) and

So when the thunder-bolts fall, if we call or chant
those ten names of Arjuna,  the fearness can go away.
 The Historic belief is  in some places, 
when the thunder-stroke happens, Arujuna’s
chariot’s nail (peg or screw) has fallen, so it was
  the thunder-bolt what people also believe.

When the people think like that also one kind of chanting of Arjuna itself.

Why  should  not these  be cultivated in the back yard ?

Some plants and treets can be grown in the yards of
the houses. And some others can not be cultivated.

Some logical  reasons and some  sentimental observance
 are followed for that.

The trees like soap-nut kernel ( species of Sapindus marginatus

 and it is called as Arishtah in Sanskrit language),

the Mango, Pomegranate etcc can not be grown in the backyards.

 Because, those kind of trees absorbs more water from
the ground.

With this the water for the domestic usage can not be sufficient. 
The Eucalyptus trees take more water.

Some trees can not be suitable and favourable according
to their stars and horoscopes of the owner of  his house.

It is said the trees which have thorns and some trees
which produce milk from their leaves, fruits,

 small stems, etc., should not be cultivated.

Hence only those which trees  and plants are  to be grown
  for all purposes of domestic and human life.

 If any one who wants to cultivate those kind of trees ,
 then better go through their stars and horoscops and follow like that.

Does the Deity Yama Dharmaraja  warn us ?

The Yamadharmaraja is representation for the death
 who takes the lives of all the creatures timely.

He is symbolic for the equality and common characteristic for all.

To all of us, he warns us in advance ,that time has started
for us  to leave this earth in certain time.

The warnings are in the form of different changes in the body.

First , the hair starts falling, which means the death
 starts coming.
 The hair becomes gray. The teeth fall down.

The the eye sight occurs, next the trembling
 starts in the hands and legs.

That is the last warning of Yamadharmaraja for us.

When the hair falling is started, we are given  caution
that we should pray God, do good and be good.

 Live the remaining  life atleast virtuously.

And do the all the duties rightfully in this world
and get the comforts in a rightful way what
the Deity Yamadharmaraja warns us.

Is the Cow a facsimile  of all the  Deities ?

The Cow is the most sacred and worshipped on all occasions.
 For every religious observance first and first we use
the Panchagavyas from the Cow only.

The panchagavyas  means  Goksheeram (cow milk),

Godadhi (Go curd), Goghrutam (cow ghee), Go pancham and Gomayam.

In the Cow  urine the Deity Varun, in the Gomayam ( cowdung)
the Agnideva, in the Goghrutam the deity Suryadeva,

 in the Godadhi the deity Vayudeva, and in the Goksheera

the deity Chandrah, all the deities live. 

Hence the Cow is to be worshipped and it is sacred

and the facsimile of all deities.

More over, we believe, Gow ( the Gow is  in Sanskrit language),

the Ganges, the Gayatri maata, all these are most sacred.

if the Cow is worshipped , it is equivalent to worshipping
 33 crores of deities.

The Gomayam (dung) has very powerful

medicated thing which destroy the insects, bacteria  and

 cures the eye diseases and also the heart diseases what the
Ayurvedic medicine tells.

It is believed  if we touch the Cow, the longvity will be increased.

If we pay homage to the Cow which can be equivalent

to paying Namaskaram to all the Deities.

What is the  excellence of  Wisdom ?

In this world , there is no thing  is compared with Wisdom. 

 The Wisdom takes the highest place in this world.

All other things perish by themselves.

We can see many and many wealthy people, 
powerful youth,  educationalists, 
people with ruling power etc.,
in this world. 

But all those are servants tothe Jnana Vruddhas 
( the people of purely wisdom) and not only that,
 also they are servants to the disciples of Jnana Vruddhas.

 All the materialistic things are given next to the wisdom.

“ Dhanavruddha vayovruddha vidyavruddhasthadhaiva cha,
Te sarve Jaanavruddhasya kimkaraah sishyakimkaraah ”

All the perishable  things like  good fortune, wealth,
youthness, the intellectuality  become useless and
can not stand before  the Jnana Vruddha .

No comparable thing  with the Jnanam (wisdom)
 in this world if we think  about deeply.