What are the desired  loving  flowers
 for the Lord Sree Krushna ?

When we worship the God , we offer

 many sacred items and do the pooja

 with the auscipious things also.

The flowers are most auspicious items in this world.

When we do the pooja of the Sree Krishna Bhagavan,

 some special flowers (Kusumam or Pushpah)

  will be offered to Him  for pleasing also.

 We worship Him with those flowers also.

The flowers which are most desired and

 pleased to  the Bhagavan are,  the Lotus lowers,

Red Oleander (Rakta Karaveeram in Sanskrit),

the small yellow flowr of gram, the flower of

Michelia champaca (Sampangi or champaka),

the flower of Jasmin Sambal, the leaves of

Butea fondosa ( Palasa Patrani in sanskrit),  

one kind of green grass which Doorva

in sanskrit, the Basil leaves.

  Among all the flowers, the Bhagavan

 Sree Krushna loves the black lilies a lot.

 He loves more the white Lotus flowers than the red Lotus flowers.

Among all the flowers including the black lilies

and the white lotus flowers, the Lord Sree Krushna

desires  more the Basil leaves than any other.

The God, Sree Krushna loves the Saurya

Pushpa than the Basil leaves,

 its flowers and also the Sivalinga Pushpa.

When we do the pooja to the Lord  if the

 flowers which are said above are not available,

atleast we have to worship Him with the Basil (Tulasi) itself.

If the Basil (Tulasi) is also not available while

doing Pooja to the Bhagavan,  even atleast the

clay or the little soil from the trough (bed)  

 which  is made around the Basil

can bring and worship with it to the God.

 All we know, as already all the sacred scipts

 say, that the Bhakti Pushpam (the flower of devotion)

should be offered to the Lord.

That Bhakti Pushpam can not be

estimated in the amount of value  with all others.


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