What are the minimum duties of every one ?

The life can be happy and comfortable if

 we live systemativally means, according

to the law of Dharma.

 The happiness and peace is not

some where to search and gain.

They are with in us only.

If we have the discretion (vichakshana)

and follow that  thoroughly.

Tthen there will not be any sorrowness

 except happiness and peacefulness.

Though we know the truth, we will

not follow  and more over run away

from the duties and fall into troubles.

 If we see these real things to observe in life ....

 we need not say where is happiness.

The monthly income  which is earned

by hardship must be utilized (spent) economically

 for the family necessities  only but not for any luxuries.

 It is said as Gruhastha Dharmam.

 The children who are born for the

 sake  of their parental  sensual plasures,

 should be broughtup morally,

educationlly and made them as Gruhasthas.

 This is the primary duties of the parents.

Doing the service to the parents

 with worship which is  love with regard

 and taking care and welfare of 

younger brothers and sisters ,

 is the responsibility of a an eldest son.

Whst ever the duty or work, the man

 does, it should be respected and

 worshipped  ( Duty is Worship) .

The money which is earned rightfully

 must be spent for the welfare

of  their children, after that  the 

remaining money   should be spent for charities.

It is the Humanitarian  duty to

serve the people and take care of them

 those who are in troubles.

One must abide by his words is also a law and justice.

The wife and husband should live happily

and  unitedly till their last breath,

even though what ever the sufferings

 and differences arise in their life.

The welfare, peace and happiness

 of the society  can also come

 from a person who lives as said above.


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