Why is the  wife called also as Ardhangi  ?

In Hindu Dharma Sastras, they say

 in the  Grahasthasrama the husband

 has to perform the duties of Chaturvidha

 Phala Purushaardhas rightfully.

The Chaturvidha Phala Purushaardhas

 are Dharma, Ardha, Kaama and Moksha.

Not only in the four Purushaardhas,

even in all the other duties, the wife

does have the share with her husband.

She plays   a vital role in all the Purushaardhas.

Like wise, the duties which the wife does,

the husband has also to take the responsibilities of her.

In the matter of  name and fame (Keerthi Pratishta)

and also the respectability of the family,

she has the half of the responsibility.

She, the wife is called Ardhaangi..

 If she looses  the fame and the respect,

 certainly her husband lose the fame and respect.

 Here this shows the meaning of Ardhaangi for that.

 So, with much  precautions.  care and

 responsibility both have to do their duties mutually

and cooperatively for the peace, happiness for the family.

For all the divine services and worships

of the Chaturvidha Phala Purushaardhas,

the husband must have wife.

The husband is not  deserving person

 to do all those divine service (Daiva Kaaryaani) 

if he does not have wife what the Sacred Scriptures tell.


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