Why do we do the circumbulation to the

Tamarind Tree and at which side ?

We, normally arrange to  make  the

Tamarind tree (Tintrinee Vrukshah in Sanskrit language)

 to grow in the Southern side of the yard as per the Vasthu. 

 The rays of the Sun (Surya Kiranas)  spread

towards the southern side also and

 reaches the Tamarind tree.

The Tamarind tree stops the Sun rays and takes them.

 Then the rays mix up with the leaves’ acid 

by nature, and that  blending of  the oxygen and 

the acid both  ventilates everywhere (in all directions).

Because of the Tamarind tree’s breeze

which is the mixture of that blending ,speads with cool.

The cool breeze, and the  shadow of that

Tamarind tree give  the best results

to the body  in health point of view.

Hence the eldelrs used to say,  construct a temple

 near that Tamarind tree and worship  there.

Because of that, then the  people  go and

circumbulate and do the Pooja and other religious rituals.

 So both ways  it  is so benefit to us.


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