Why do the saints, swamy jis and other
 devotees smear (rub or wear) the
Vibhooti on their bodies after bathing ?

In Hindu Dharma Sastras and also the

 ancient scripts  it says  every one must

wake up early in the Brahmee muhurta time

and do the morning chores (Kaalakrutyas).

So, one has to take their bath early in the morning only.

In the morning at 4.00 ,  in the cold if we take b

ath that would be a good for the health also.

 When we take bath in the cold, the nature

provides us the health including the cold also.

 After bath if the Vibhooti is smeared to the body,

at least there would be some exclusion from the cold.

More over, the Vibhooti is the symbol  of

the Iswarya which is in the form of

  Bhakti, Jnana, and Vairagya which is  real meaning for that.

 What kind of a lady  has the 
characterstics of evil spirit ?

In general a normal lady is called as a evil spirit

 means, there might be some kind of

excessive adverse qualities that she has .

The woman who has the desire of taking

the meat and the wine excessively and

 without  any proper plan and  consideration

who  spends money too much of her parents and  husband,

and whenever the opportunity arises,  

the woman who fulfil her lustful aberration

(kaamavikaram) immediately,

that it can be known that she is having

the characterstics of evil spirit (Pisalachatwa lakshnas).


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