What are the Nine (9) threads in the Yagnopaveetam ?

In India the sects like Brahmanas, Kshatriya and Vaisya have the Samskara of Upanayanam, a sacred custom and they must that without faily at the early age.
With the Dharma of that custom, Upanayanam, they can get the second life which is for the fruitful of attaining Emancipation.

Mainly for the Brahmanas, the Upanayam is very sacred custom which make them
to do all the Holy customs.

In that custom, they should wear holy Yagnopaveetam which is specially made of thread.
The Yagnopaveeta must contain nine threads. Because, in each thread one Deity lives . Like wise nine Deities live.

In the first thread Brahma deva lives. In the second thread Agni deva lives.
In the third one will be inspired byAnantah.

In the fourth one, the Moon lives. In the fifth thread Pitrudevatah live. In the sixth thread the Deity Prajapatih lives.

The seventh thread is for Vayuh (Air). The eighth thread is for the Sun. The ninth is for all the Devatas live.


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