The Rules for  Japa....

1)  Select any Mantra or Name of God (preferably that given by your Guru) and repeat 
it from one Mala to two hundred Malas daily.

  2) Use a Rudraksha or Tulasi (Basil) Mala of 108 beads. 

 3) Use only the middle finger and thumb of the right hand for rolling the beads.  

4) Do not allow the Mala to hang below the navel. Keep the hand near the heart
or the nose.  

5) The Mala must not be visible to you or others. Cover it with a towl 
which must be pure and washed daily.

  6)  Do not cross the Maru of the Mala while rolling the beads Turn back
when you come up to it. 

 7) Do mental Japa as long as possible. If the mind wanders, take to labial 
Japa for some time, or loud Japa, by rotaion, and come back to mental
Japa again as soon as possible.

  8)  Take a bath, or wash your hands, feet face and mouth before sitting
for Japa in absolutely necessary. Do Japa whenever you have leisure, 
specially during the Sandhyas  or the junctions of the day (morning, noon and evening) 
and before going to bed.

  9) Associate the Japa with rhythemic breathing or Pranayama and meditate on the form of your Deity. Keep a picture or idol of the Deity in front. 

 10) Think of the meaning of the Mantra while repeating it. 

 11) Pronounce each letter of the Mantra correctly and distinctly.  

12)  Do not repeat the Mantra either too fast or too slow. Increase the 
speed only when the mind wanders. 

 13)  Observe Mouna (silence) and avoid distractions, calls or engagements
at the time of doing Japa. 

 14)  Face the East or the North and sit in a separate medition room or any
good place, such as temple, river-bank, under a banyan tree or a peepal tree, etc.,

 15) Do not beg of God any wordly objects. 

 16) While doing Japa, feel that your heart is being purified and the mind is
becoming steady by the power of the Mantra with the grace of God. 

 17) Keep your Guru-Mantra a secret. Never disclose it to anyone.  

18) Practise to sit in one steady pose during the Japa.

  19) Keep a regular account of your Japa and try to increase the number gradually. 

20) Carry on the current of Japa mentally, even at other times, whatever
work you may be engaged in. 

(Courtesy from The Divine Life Society, Sivanandanagar, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand)


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