The Sins of the previous births caused (carried )
to the experiencing
results in this present. Birth. What are they ?
In Hindu Phylosophy and the Sacred Scripts say that what we are experiencing
either good or bad in this birth is the return or retribution (pratiphalam) of the
good or bad what we did in our previous births.
That is simply said “Prarbda Karma Phalam” whether
it is Sukrutam or Dushkrutam.
Let us see know, If any one who did Brahma Hatya in his previous birth,
he will born as a patient of Kshaya which is tuberculosis.
Who does the Go Hatya (slaughts the cow) he will born as a Dwarf.
Who kills a woman he will take birth of chronical disease for which
there is no cure.
The Brahmin who eats meat, he will be born as leprosy patient.
He insults and degrades the Ancient Vedic Scripts and Sastras,
he will born with chlorosis.
Who steals a book from others he will born as a blind.
Who tells lies in the court he will born as dumb.
Who listens falshood he will take a birth as deaf.
Who steals salt he will born as an ant.
Who does adultery he takes birth as an elephant in the forest.
One who i visits the function without invitation, that
he will born as a Crow.
Who cheats his friend, the cheater will born as a eagle.
Who cheats in the business while selling his goods, he will
become as an Owl.
The lady who is shrew (nagging) will born as Leech.
The woman who cheats her husband will take birth as Lizard.
Who wants to copulate his teacher’s spouse, that man takes
birth as Chameleon.
One who is having too much lust he will born as Horse.
The person who tortures his wife he will born as a Goat.
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